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Bitch with milk 2 weeks before due date

I have a bitch who is not due until next Sat (at the earliest!) and has already had milk for over a week. When I took her to get x-rayed to count pups this past week, my vet said that when the milk comes, the pups are usually 24-48 hrs later. She has a large litter, at least 10.
She does not seem to show any signs of infection, mastitis, and seems cheerful.
Are there any precautions I should make? Is this normal?
I've never had this situation before.

Believe me, I'm thankful I'm not stressing this time about "oh my gosh she's due in two days and she does not have enought milk!"

Re: Bitch with milk 2 weeks before due date

I also had this situation this Nov. when Poppy whelped. She had milk much earlier( 2 weeks) prior to whelping than she did with her first litter. There was no need for concern. She whelped on time and without difficulty. That being said, I would keep an eye on your bitch just to be sure. But I would not worry too much!
Good luck with your whelping and litter.

Re: Bitch with milk 2 weeks before due date

I don't think that it is that unusual....I have had girls that had milk early. I am sure that if we all tried to express the milk a week or two before whelping...we would be surprised how many of our girls have it. I am sure your girl will be just fine....good luck with her

Re: Bitch with milk 2 weeks before due date

This has happened with a few of my girls. They never whelped too early due to it.

They always had milk by the time they were whelping at the latest. I'm sure the milk was mixed with colostrum and most of the time, milk began dripping lightly many days before.

As long as nothing else is happening in conjunction with milk production, I wouldn't be worried.