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stinky bitch in season?

Have a girl we are breeding. On day 13 and very stinky since day 3 or 4. Everything else normal, have done 2 AI's so far. Doing another tomorrow. Girl has had 2 litters in the past. Don't remember her smelling bad during other breedings.
I have seen girls who smell during seasons (but has always been outside girls brought in for breeding. Wondering what could cause this?
Any thoughts?

Re: stinky bitch in season?

We have a bitch(now retired) that smelled horribly when in heat. It turned out that her vaginal tract tilted during her heat cycle in such a way that it pooled blood and urine inside her. Bacteria grew and combined with old blood smell was unbelievable.


Re: stinky bitch in season?

Interesting. Thanks Mike. Did she ever have any fertility issues?
My bitch has had 6 and 9 pups in her other 2 litters. She is a great producer and I don't want to take any chances.

Re: stinky bitch in season?

might benefit to put her on 30 days of amoxicillin

Re: stinky bitch in season?

That's how the boys know the girls are in season. I wouldn't give it a second thought.

Re: stinky bitch in season?

Yes, we didn't get her pregnant until we did a surgical.

After that, we were recomended by a repro specialist, to spay her. The health of the tissue in her vaginal tract was not good and deteriorating.
