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Hi, I have a litter of yellows that are 10 days old today.
On Friday I noticed she had mastitis.
II immediately started the hot pack and the Vet said to use Amoxicillin, ( I know it is not strong enough!)
SHe blew out an abcess on that gland and is still real swollen and hard.
Now it is trying to infect another teet.
Can I use BAYTRIL with nursing puppies??

I do have some 136 mg I think it says.
I am really worried the pups (6) wont have enough to eat if we lose this other teet.
Any help will be appreciated!
Back to do more hot packs
thanks in advance!

Re: Mastitis

No! Baytril can go through the milk and cause cartilage damage in the puppies. Do you have clavamox on hand? It has a broader spectrum. I hope you get this cleared up quickly.

Re: Mastitis

I DO have clavamox - the powder that you mix with water.
BUT it expired three months ago - it is not mixed up so do you think it would be ok ?
and how much would I give her?
I can go to the VET tomorrow and get some - I just wanted to give her something tonight

Re: Mastitis

I can't believe your Vet would not put her on Clavamox
right away! They can go down hill very quickly with
mastitis, I am so glad she did not spike a fever and
get really sick. Clavamox is expensive but very safe for the pups. Call your Vet and ask him the proper dosage. Keep up the hot packs nd check her temp.
Best of luck.

Re: Mastitis

THANKS SO MUCH for your quick reply!!

I will do that first thing in the morning!!

Re: Mastitis

We used amoxy and it worked perfectly well.

Re: Mastitis

I had a mom develop mastitis in a teat that blew open when the puppies were 3 days old. My vet put mom on a combination of Cephalexin and Flagyl (not safe in whelp but apparently safe when nursing). Puppies did develop diarrhea but otherwise were just fine. In my case mom was fine as soon as the teat blew open and all others were fine.

Re: Mastitis

What happen when the teet blows open, does it repair itself so it is once again a functional for pups to nurse on the next time around ?

Re: Mastitis

Best with your girl... Just keep a close eye on her.
My girl had mastitis in one teat, caught right away and she was put on Clavamox... One day after she finished the Clavamox she spiked a very high fever and another teat was ready to rupture. I had everything possible ( ears , feets, armpits) wrapped in ice packs to bring down the fever, and I did warm compresses and gently expressed the infected teat off and on for 24 hours. My pups were 3 weeks old so the vet elected to wean them and put mom on the Baytril. It was the right choice because the rest of her teats started to produce an odd color of milk. And my pups cried each time they nursed. I am convinced it was the infection... Everyone has told me it is best to let them nurse, I did not find that to be true with this case.. The pups never cried again after being weaned from the mom. I am also told that the bitch won't necessarily get mastitis again a second time with a subsequent breeding...
Keep a close eye on her, and God willing she will be fine...

Re: Mastitis

Last year I had a bitch develope a serious mastitis, very high fever, VERY sick momma! my vet had me give her IVs at home ( I'm an RN ), penicillin IM, and high doses of Keflex orally. she did recover, but wow, talk about intensive care! she was so ill, she would just lay in her whelping box on her side, and I had to pick her up and turn her, she could barely lift her head! I had to give her oral fluids with a syringe, and she would nibble raw meat fed by hand. once the abcess burst, her fever broke, and she recovered fairly quickly. she cared for her puppies, her milk supply dwindled though, I had another lactating momma with 9 puppies a month old, so I had her feed the newborns several times a day,before I let her own babies nurse her, and I hand supplemented the smaller puppies.
I hope she has no recurrance next time I breed her....her pups are beautiful, I kept two!

Re: Mastitis

Is there any anti biotic that would be safe to put the mom on (other than amoxil) while she is nursing and, would you do this as a preventative measure for next time?
I had a bitch get mastitis but not as bad as above poster-that is a very serious situation and just wonder if you would do anything before hand given her history.