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Posterior Punctate Cataracts

I know there was a concern with this on here before. Wondering how things turned out with CERF? My dog just did her CERF Test and the Vet said she had Posterior Punctate Cataracts/Lens Y Suture in each eye. Did not mark anything on the circle showing where and looks as though will not affect vision. Were you able to get your CERF passed-Im guessing on a breeders option. I am hoping that is what I get as results worse case scenario

Re: Posterior Punctate Cataracts

I had a dog with exactly the same diagnosis , he did not clear CERF at all, no breeder option. I neutered him and placed.

Re: Posterior Punctate Cataracts

I also have a retired female who had that diagnosis 6 years ago and DID NOT Pass Cerf that trip. She shows no signs of blindness and is now 13 years old and will never give her up!

Re: Posterior Punctate Cataracts

Anterior passes , Posterior does not. No sight issues, they just don't clear the Posterior ones. Pure frustration.

Re: Posterior Punctate Cataracts

Maybe I'm not reading something right but I have a bitch w/ punctates on the posterior suture that have passed year in, year out w/ the EI breeder option. No changes since first seen 5+ years ago.

Re: Posterior Punctate Cataracts

Did she have the Y , that the OP was describing? Were they actually diagnosed as Posterior Puctates ?

Re: Posterior Punctate Cataracts

I too have a question about Posterior Puctuate cataracts, if that is all that is checked will it CERF? AVCO said no and do not breed, but dog will be fine and shouldn't get worse. I don't understand, said dog had 2 prior clear exams. If I call CERF will they tell me? It's one eye only.

Re: Posterior Punctate Cataracts

These are known as posterior triangular cataracts, aka juvenile cataracts - typically show up when the dog is 1-2 years old, of course after previously passing puppy exams. And they do not pass CERF. Been there, done that...

Re: Posterior Punctate Cataracts

Me too, mine cleared 2 times prior. The ACVO said they will not clear. I had him rechecked by a different ACVO , and same. I neutered and placed. He was 2 years old, and OFA ex . Heartbreaking !

Re: Posterior Punctate Cataracts

I will let you know how it turns out. I know the diagnosis of mine the other day at the CERF clinic was Y suture posterior punctate. To me, to have a anterior pass and a posterior fail is rediculous as the significance is unknown on both and neither of them affect vision. To me it is nothing more than an eye freckle.

Re: Posterior Punctate Cataracts

So then why do you pay for the CERF exam if you already know everything??????????

To me it is nothing more than an eye freckle.

Re: Posterior Punctate Cataracts

Did the ACVO check off "significance unknown" on the CERF exam form?

Posterior Punctate Cataracts

so just to play the evil twin side, what is the big deal if the diagnosis doesn't change the vision and they animal will live out a healthy life with little to no impact. Why, oh why are we cutting them from the program? Given we have PRA, elbows, hips, heart, E.I.C. CMN etc. all of which can have a significant impact on the life of the dog does it not make sense to stop throwing out the ones that seriously shouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things? I get it when you have a dog that is riddled with cataracts and there is more then one present but come on here we are talking about an eye issue that even by the AVCO opinion is like having a bug on the windshield of your car.
Should we be tossing these guys out or when do you say all things considered I would rather the devil I know then the other devils out there.
Perhaps we should be looking at it as a breeder option and breed accordingly.


Re: Posterior Punctate Cataracts

All I was told when my dog was diagnosed with them years ago (neutered/placed after 2 identical opinions from different ACVOs) was that they didn't know what would happen - if the next generation would be worse, so they didn't pass them. I don't know if there's more info now than way back then.

Re: Posterior Punctate Cataracts

That is why I said "TO ME" I dont know everything that is why I am asking. To me is very different than "I know"

Re: Posterior Punctate Cataracts

Yes, She marked posterior cortex punctate, significance unknown, possible hereditary. This is the first of this in the lines and pup comes from a well know show breeder of 20 plus years. I spoke to her about it and all her dogs from day 1 have been CERF'd and passed in these lines. I just cant believe it but hoping for the best. Another week and a half and I guess i will know my answer

Re: Posterior Punctate Cataracts

I remembered a thread from about 2 years ago on the subject. Maybe some useful info there.

One thing I will add, and it was like pulling teeth to get a yes or no answer from CERF... a breeder friend and I were discussing a hypothetical situation and the question came up, "Does CERF ever issue a CERF number for a dog that does not have both eyes marked Normal?" The person I corresponded with at CERF didn't want to get into answering a question based on a hypothetical example, but I wasn't giving up... so I made it simpler to answer, it was a pretty straight forward simple question and all I was asking was, "Can a dog who does not have both eyes marked Normal on the CERF exam form pass CERF?" Still was like pulling teeth to get a yes or no answer, but ultimately the answer was "YES".

I posed the same hypothetical situation (diagnosis) to a respected ACVO... basically, he told me sometimes even the ACVO doesn't know what CERF will do with findings, so send in the exam report and find out.

Re: Posterior Punctate Cataracts

It is marked exactly how I said: Punctate /posterior sutures. NOT CORTEX. That may be the key (and is if I remember what my ACVO said). My ACVO always marked the "significance unknown" box. I can ask this weekend as we are having a clinic and same dog will be checked again.

Same girl's great granny had the same dx. They always remained little triangular shaped dots. Never changed and she lived to 13.5 w/ last CERF at 10 or 11 yrs old. She could mark birds much further than she could run at 13.5 too, let me tell you...