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Doing your own AI

I was wondering if I could get some information on doing our own artificial inseminations. I have bred for quite some time now, and have never done my own AI. I always take my bitches either to our reproductive vet, or if the stud dog is close, have the stud dog owner do it. I have watched it done dozens of times, and my vet has given me an idea of where to go in, i have even felt the canal. The day she tried to show me, my bitch was agitated and she was squirming and just wasn't the right bitch to learn on. How hard is it to learn on your own without someone there to teach you, is it something that I should try. Are there any instructions on exactly where to thread the pipette. I have been told that if you don't do it correctly, you can deposit into the bladder. If anyone has any advice on doing our own AI, or any good tips, would appreciate it if you could share them. Also, is there a difference in doing an AI with regular kits opposed to Clone? I have never used Clone and am contemplating doing a breeding where I will have to. Thanks in advance for any help! I know to most this is so routine, but when you have never done it yourself, its nerve racking.

Re: Doing your own AI

Hi~ Everyone has their method but for me, I prefer inserting my finger first as far as I can go and I slowly guide the pipette along the top of my finger. It goes right where it is supposed to. Go slow and you'll know when you are there as it will slide right up, over an in. I use a 9in. pipette and insert about 6 1/2-7" of it. If you've examined your bitch, you know how the anatomy is. I also prefer doing this on my grooming table. I can do this by myself too as all my girls are used to a grooming table.

I had a breeder call me panicking one time because she couldn't get the pipette in. I told her to put her up on a grooming table. She said no one ever told her to do it that way, she always leaned them over her knee. She was successful then.

What do you mean AI kits? Are you talking about pipettes and sryinges? That is all you need(and gloves or cots(I use cots) and you can get them anywhere. I prefer latex free syringes by the way.

Good luck...we were all nervous too the first time we did it. You can do it.

Re: Doing your own AI

I like the insemination tubes/pipettes you can purchase from Reproduction Resources as they have a smooth rounded polished end. I think you can purchase 25 for around $15..

Re: Doing your own AI

Yes, Reproductive Resources is a great place to purchase all your items as they are very reasonable. We use the Pipette's from RR as well as the Latex Free 20cc syringe's, collection cones, and Non-Spermicidal Jelly.

You can find them on the web here :

Re: Doing your own AI

what Sherry said

Re: Doing your own AI

Here is a good video that I found as I am in the same position as you are, wanting to learn how to do it my self.

Re: Doing your own AI

This is very useful information.

I have a 2nd question, is there a home remedy to testing the progesterone? Or does everyone go to the vet on the 6th day, and then go from there?

Re: Doing your own AI

There are those you can do yourself, yes.
I have never used them though. I'm sure those that have/do will chime in w/ what has worked w/ them.

The qualitative tests are "in house" tests and they are not fool proof and can be quite inaccurate. However, many use them and are successful. I always want a quantitative test run(which is the RIA)