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Confused about dewormers

Appears Pyrantel Pamoate (Nemex2) is dewormer and so is Panacur. Also appears Panacur is used for treatment of Giardia. Don't understand how treat Giardia with a dewormer?
What is the safest, easiest dewormer and the dosage?

Re: Confused about dewormers

I use pyrantel at 2 and 4 weeks and do febendazole at 6 and 8 weeks for pups. Fenbendazol (Panacur) has been shown to effectively treat against girardia (as well as a dewormer) when done 7 days on, 7 days off, 5-7 days on. My vet no longer uses metronidazole (not sure if thats the spelling) to treat girardia, Fenbendazole is the drug of choice in her practice.

Fenbendazoel is a very safe drug, along with Pyrantel, per my vet.

The doses that were recommended to me are:
Pyrantel 1cc per 10 lbs one dose for one day.

Fenbendazole (we use Safe guard, its cheaper then Panacur) 1cc per 5lbs once a day for 3 days unless treating for giradria, then I treat as stated above.

Re: Confused about dewormers

Where do you buy the SafeGuard/Panacur from??

Re: Confused about dewormers

I purchase from revival: