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Michael Silva-We LOVE having you in New Jersey!

But.....Will you PLEASE leave the earthquakes back on the west coast?! We are happy with our hurricanes and blizzards. We do not need to add earthquakes to the mix! Thank you!

Re: Michael Silva-We LOVE having you in New Jersey!

Dear Shaky Breeder...

We LOVE being in New Jersey too! The tremor must have been oh, so slight as we ex-Californian's felt nothing. Are you sure the ground shook or was it just your excitement because Potomac is right around the corner?

On another note, our first winter has proved to be an interesting one! We have enjoyed the many facets of moisture - rain, sleet, ice, snow - but have enjoyed each and every variation. I could have done without the basement flooding with 60 gallons of water, however. Good thing I found that clogged drain in the front yard!

I must admit - and you all will think I am crazy or you already do! - winter snow is my favorite time of year. It is so crisp and clean and creates a storybook setting in our neck of the woods. The 14-1/2 inches we got in this last snowfall was spectacular. Mother Nature truly is amazing! And yes, I have had my share of shoveling this year!

I know that I am shaking in my muck boots at the thought of Potomac being right around the corner. I bet you are too!

The broken in East Coaster!

Re: Michael Silva-We LOVE having you in New Jersey!

Glad you're enjoying winter and hope you will enjoy the upcoming MUD SEASON just as much!