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Tape worms !!

One of my girls got a mouse or mole in the backyard.....she tormented it....killed it....rolled in it and ate it before I could get to her !! Does anyone know how long it would take (if the critter was infested) before I see the tapeworms ?? She is on Heartguard but I know that is not effective on tapes. I have had this happen years ago....can't remember how long before they crawled out (yuck). I hate worms.....I have poop eaters too. Do you think I should just go ahead and treat her without seeing them ??? Her best buddy is about 25 days inwhelp.......she doesn't need tapes.

Re: Tape worms !!

Info on various kinds of tape worms and their cycle, treatment, etc.:

Re: Tape worms !!

tapes are not passed from dog to dog, must come from host such as flea or rodent.