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Rabies vacine-old dogs

Do you all still give older dogs, say over 13 years rabies shots ? Sure hate to at this age. They have not had any other vacine but rabies in years.

Re: Rabies vacine-old dogs

I never give my old dogs rabies shot (not after age 10) - my vet pretty much ignores that fact - they know I prefer not to tax their immune system at their age.

Re: Rabies vacine-old dogs

My last rabies is at 9 years old.

If your dog bites a human after the rabies vaccination is officially expired, your dog may be euthanized. If your dog needs surgery after the rabies vaccination is officially expired, your vet may not do the surgery without another rabies vaccination--which would be a terrible thing to do to an old dog needing surgery.

But after 12 years old, I am not subjecting one of my dogs to surgery unless it is a mighty simple surgery.

Calculate your risks. Act according to how much risk you are willing to take. Rabies after a lifetime of vaccinations is very unlikely.

Re: Rabies vacine-old dogs

how do you get around town license and state regulations for rabies on older dogs?

Re: Rabies vacine-old dogs

Breeder too
Do you all still give older dogs, say over 13 years rabies shots ? Sure hate to at this age. They have not had any other vacine but rabies in years.
Our municipality demands it every 3 years. If you give them grief about it, they could ask you to remove the dog from their municipality. They won't accept a letter from a vet, it's their laws and I understand why. I don't like to give an older dog a vaccination especially if they aren't in the best of health.

Re: Rabies vacine-old dogs

If we all would support The Rabies Challenge Fund, being done by Dr. Jean Dodds, maybe someday, we won't have to repeat unnecessary re-vaccinations.

Re: Rabies vacine-old dogs

Does your municipality demand proof of rabies prior to licensing the dog each year? Luckily, my county does NOT, so as long as I get a license for each dog, they don't hassle me over whether the dog has its rabies shot.

Mine don't get a new 3-year booster after age 9 either. I can't imagine subjecting my 14-yo girl who's blind, diabetic, and nearly deaf to annual or triennial vaccinations; she has enough to contend with as it is, God love her!

Re: Rabies vacine-old dogs

my county does not require licensing, so my last shot is at 7-8 years old, and would cover for three years.

Re: Rabies vacine-old dogs

I appreciate the answers. Just what I was thinking. Know over the years these dogs have had more vacine than they ever needed. At 12 yrs and 14 yrs just not going to do it. Glad we are thinking alike on some issues.

Re: Rabies vacine-old dogs

I have mine on the 3 year protocol for their other vaccines. Do you stop these also after a certain age?

Re: Rabies vacine-old dogs

Just did my 10 year old with the 3 year. That will be it for her. I think as the due date for the next couple of dogs who are over 6 years old come up, I will do the 3 year vaccine. After that I won't give them again.

Re: Rabies vacine-old dogs

Barb @ Red Birch
Does your municipality demand proof of rabies prior to licensing the dog each year? Luckily, my county does NOT, so as long as I get a license for each dog, they don't hassle me over whether the dog has its rabies shot.

Mine don't get a new 3-year booster after age 9 either. I can't imagine subjecting my 14-yo girl who's blind, diabetic, and nearly deaf to annual or triennial vaccinations; she has enough to contend with as it is, God love her!

Yes, my county has the rabies expiration date printed right on the computerized form. If proof of rabies vaccination isn't required to get a license then how do they enforce the law? What prevents people from not vaccinating for rabies?