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Any of you have experience with a puppy with Ectopic Ureter. I do not need any information about the problem, just any experiences with the surgery, recovery, success, etc. Thanks so much!


Many years ago we rescued a yellow female petstore puppy with this condition. We elected to perform the surgery, with new owners for a special needs dog being the foster home and seeing her through the surgery. (I don't know what technique.) They were relatively happy with the procedure, but then they still had to housebreak the puppy, and that is a process in any puppy. I imagine that surgery techniques and outcomes are even better since the early 1990s. The surgery made it possible for her to be a house dog and companion rather than being confined to one small area that was easy to clean. So it was a success.


I had a puppy with this and we did the surgery after contrast x-ray diagnostics. She also had a useless kidney which was also removed. My local vet did the surgery (her first time for this surgery) and she did great and is still alive and well 4 years later. I think she may still be on proin, but it's every other day now, and she has to have frequent UA's because of only having one kidney. I placed her for free to a great pet home who were thrilled to have her. They send me Harry and David baskets every year thanking me for her.


Back in the late 70s we had a pup with EU and the surgery was successful. The surgeon at Cornell adopted the pup and he did great.

Prayers the surgery will be successful for your pup.


I've had it with 3 pups - 2 females and a male, over the past 10 years. The male was corrected and had one kidney removed that was not working. He is about 9 or 10 now. The first female was very ill from the get go and we let her go at 3 weeks. We just did a bitch that did great with the repair of one ureter, and is on the drug for the bladder muscle now and doing about 97% - according to the new owners.


Surgery went well to connect ureter to bladder,
also had one non-functioning kidney. She had to be
on meds due to some remaining incontenence and on kidney diet food. Doing fine.


I had a female with it about 5 years ago. The first pick people wanted her but I told them she had a problem and needed to be fixed. They took her sister but always asked about "Leaky Lilly". She had the surgery at 5 months of age, (they wanted to wait until she was a little older)and the doctors talked me into spaying her at that time also. I thought she was too young, but they said it would save her an additional surgery in a few months so I gave in. She still leaked a bit and my vet finally found the right medication for her, and after that she was fine. The people who wanted her from the get-go asked me if they could have her, and I was a bit reluctant to let her go, so I told them to take her home for a weekend and she has been there ever since and doing fine. Their vet wanted to take her off the pill, but I told them it took us so long to get the right combination that maybe they should let her be.

Hope you have the same good ending as I did. I might add the surgery wasn't cheap, but worth every penny.


Thanks everyone, I am encouraged!


there is also an old thread on this from
Jul 2nd, 2008 - Ectopic Ureter

best of luck.