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Puppy kibble - wet or dry?

I was wondering how long some of you moisten the puppy kibble after they have teeth? Do you have the pups eating dry before they go to new homes around 8 weeks, or do you continue to soften for longer?
Thanks for any input!

Re: Puppy kibble - wet or dry?

I soak the puppy food for the first couple weeks after they start eating. After that, I basically just add enough water so the food floats. It slows them down.

I lost a 10 week pup that choked on his food, because he ate it too fast.

I float the food for all my dogs.

Re: Puppy kibble - wet or dry?

Oh wow - losing one to choking is a scary thought! I believe I will follow your advice on floating the food in water.

Re: Puppy kibble - wet or dry?

I soak all my puppy and dogs food. Not worth the choking risk and it clearly does slow them down.

Re: Puppy kibble - wet or dry?

I soak to mush when they first start eating, and slowly back off the water so by 7 weeks they are eating dry food.
in 25 years I have never had a puppy or dog choke, but I guess it could happen to any dog at any age.

soaking dry kibble for adults could also lead to bloat

Re: Puppy kibble - wet or dry?

I have had a puppy that was in his new home only a week choke and die. I only soak food for my litters for a couple of weeks and then, once they are about 5 weeks I spread out a big blanket and sprinkle their food out all over the blanket. They all run around looking for each piece of food but because it is so spread out they never can gobble up enough at one time to choke. It works well for my puppies and allows me to send each pup home without special instructions for soaking food which puppy buyers appreciate. Also it is very cute and fun to watch them all having such a good time at each meal!