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I wonder if anyone has experience with this type of strange observation in a 2.5 week old puppy. All are doing great and have tripled their weights but yesterday and again today I notice that one pup is not behaving like the others. He seems to have a lack of head control and when he tries "walking" he basically falls over and it is almost like he cannot control his movements. Others are walking although shaky and are beginning to play with each other. However, this one pup does not and is only nursing and sleeping. He only tries to move to get into position to nurse and otherwise seems to lack coordination and the ability to control his head?????????? When I pick him up, he has strength and movement in all 4 legs but is still wobbly if not supported well and his head bobbles back and forth.

We have never seen anything like this before. I am contacting my vet to see if anything can be done, any tests, or anything????

Has anyone ever had a similar experience? Otherwise, he is nursing and doing fine but we are getting very concerned it might be a serious neurological problem. While he was a younger pup, we did not notice any difference in him compared to the others but now it is obvious.

Re: neurological

How was his birth? I have seen a couple of puppies with Cerebral Palsy.

Re: neurological

I had one like yours years ago. I gave him a dab of Karo syrup once a day until he started acting normal, it was just like a week. He is now a healthy 2.5 year old boy.

Re: neurological

I had a puppy with similar symptoms about 15 years ago. One of his ears did not develop. He was deaf in that ear and probably had no sense of balance from it either. He seemed normal until the litter started to walk. He had a hard time learning to walk to the point where I considered putting him down, but he did eventually learn to walk. He went to some friends of mine as a pet and lived to be 12 or 13. The only problem that I recall he had as an adult was that he was deaf in the ear, which could not be held erect. It dangled down like a hound's ear. I've bred a littermate, her daughter, granddaughter, and great granddaughter, and the condition never recurred.