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Puppy foods

I'm just thinking about puppy foods.I have considered
What you recommend to be the best choice?

Re: Puppy foods

I'm going to try Fromm Gold puppy food with my next litter - any feedback on that brand?

I used to be happy with ProPlan, but they've had so many issues I hate to even go there any more.

Re: Puppy foods

I have raised litters on Pro PLan puppy, Innova large breed puppy, Canidae and this time I decided to try Solid Gold Wolf Cub. I am pleased with the results. My litter of 10 has even steady growth, very few issues with soft poo-which was my doing by over feeding them. Small poos....which is wonderful! Coats are great, nails are stong, eyes are clear and everyone is and has been in perfect health. I think I will be staying with this food long term as my adults are on the Wolf King and doing well. Their poos are much smaller than before as well.

Re: Puppy foods

I've tried several but always soft poo issues and I end up going back to Iam's Smart Puppy for Large Breeds. It gives nice small solid poo and healthy pups. I don't like the fact that there is some corn in it, but I can't get around the better poo.