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Rockland County (NY) Shows

Did anyone get to the Wallkill KC show today? I could't make it and wonder how the roads are in the area around the college. I'm across the bridge and roads are not good -- plus it's still snowing! Any information would be appreciated as I'm going to try for tomorrow. TIA!

Re: Rockland County (NY) Shows

I don't know if this helps or not, but it was cross posted on another forum this morning:

> We have delayed the start of the specialty until 4PM on Friday Feb 26th
> Sweeps and Obedience will start at 4pm and classes will run according to
> the published schedule.
> IF there is a lot of snow tonight an the college cannot get the parking
> lot
> clear - this could change again - BUT the forecast is that the snow will
> taper off starting at noon on Friday.............
> The people who got here are able to unload and get settled.
> The rings are being set let's keep our fingers crossed
> for a great show.
> Chris Miele
> XCREEK@...
> _www.crosscreekgoldens.com_ (

Re: Rockland County (NY) Shows

The previous post was for the Golden specialty. At least one Golden OB competitor--one I know--is scratching. The show tomorrow, as you undoubtedly know from Rau and AKC sites, will start an hour late. You could call the campus of the college and ask about things there.
Their website had the message:
Friday, February 26th, all day and evening classes and activities are canceled due to snow.
Yet AKC does not list the events as canceled.
Oh, and if you have a yellow, watch out for the de-icer--some years it dyed white Cavalier feet black, temporarily. Maybe it had ashes in it. I hope they changed it! It did wash out, so bring your instant shampoo and towels if you go with a light colored entry.

Re: Rockland County (NY) Shows

The show today had a 2 hr delay. Labs had 2 males with no points; 3 females with again, no points. My Acer got to practice! Tomorrow, has a delay till 10:30am. It was a challenge to get here from Vermont yesterday. Hope the trip home will be an improvement.

Re: Rockland County (NY) Shows

I have relatives who live a couple of miles from RCC. They have had at least a foot of snow and expect more tomorrow. The main roads are passable but it is a mess- trees down, major power outages, etc. Here's the local news link. I bagged travelling up to see them and do the shows Fri. and Sat. Good luck! Beth

Re: Rockland County (NY) Shows

Anybody go to the show today? If so how were the grounds? Any results?

Re: Rockland County (NY) Shows -- Saturday Results

The roads are good -- but parking at the college is limited due to the snow. If you come early, you won't have a problem.
Big Congratulations to Stephanie Forte whose beautiful chocolate bitch from the Open class -- expertly shown by her -- was BOB! I'm not sure of her name -- but it's "...Mahogany Storm" I think. WD & BOS was a young yellow boy bred by Lisa Weiss & owned by Linda Berkeley -- sorry I don't know his name. RWB was my yellow girl, Branwood's Morning Mischief (Daisy); I don't remember RWD.

Re: Rockland County (NY) Shows -- Saturday Results

Thank you so much Hallie. We are so thrilled on how well Jill did, she also got a Group 2!!

Congrats on your girl's RWB.

And a Big Congrats to Fil & Gina on Hubble's BOB and Group 4 Today!!

Thanks again


Re: Rockland County (NY) Shows -- Saturday Results

Congrats to Steph and everyone else! Wish I could have been there but couldn't get plowed out of my driveway and no 4 wheel drive.