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Atlanta Sunday ?

Any News Anyone?

Re: Atlanta Sunday ?

BOB: Blackwing Izzy
WD: Yellow boy owned by Judy Staghetti (sp?) out of BBE-AOC also BOS and BOW
WB: Beautiful black bitch shown by Liz Martin (dont' know who owns her)

Best in Sweeps: Stacy and Starkey's bitch that won yesterday
BOS: Fortune's Blueprint that also went BOS in sweeps yesterday

Congrats to all the winners!

Re: Atlanta Sunday ?

WB was Pogo - Hoffmann's Sweet on the Lips, owned by Ruth and Randy Hoffman.

Congratulations to everyone!

Re: Atlanta Sunday-WD

Judy Sededi of Devanley Labradors.
The dog is Devanley's James P. Sullivan

Re: Atlanta Sunday ?

Best Puppy was Summerlin Call of Duty (Owen) owned/bred by Kristin Stefek. Congrats again Kristin!

Re: Atlanta Sunday ?

Big Congratulations to everyone in the Ribbons.