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Vets for C-sections on weekends and holidays

How do you handle this?

Always needed when not available.

In my redneck area, the only answer for a C-section is an emergency clinic, each over one hour away and not sure that novice staff have ever done one. Very hesitant to listen to breeder due to due date not elapsed and still in stage 1.

Not one Vet will come in on off-hours, no matter how much $ offered.

Re: Vets for C-sections on weekends and holidays

be willing to drive a few hours away if needed.

I am also in rural area with local vet who does not work nights or weekends.

I have two repro vets I am clients with that are 1 1/2 hour in two different directions. I use them for OFA, health certs, repro issue so I am a client and they know me.
When a litter is due and is getting close to week ends or holidays I call each one to give them heads up and make sure they are on call.
Always have more than one safety net....

Re: Vets for C-sections on weekends and holidays

When I have asked this question, most vets honestly say they went into small animal vet care so that they were NOT constantly on call.

They explain that they cannot open up their clinics alone for a c-sect; need resp and other assistance so it is a nonsequitor-why ER clinics are supported or unsupported in any area. ???

However, the ER clinics are a commercial enterprise, as are any business. Who they keep on staff depends on who is coming out of Vet schools, so usually inexperienced- those who need clinical practice to move on in their own careers.

Suggest go to the closest Vet school.

Re: Vets for C-sections on weekends and holidays

I have to disagree with "Similar Problems" on this one.

My wife, Kim , has worked in Emergency Vet Care for about 7 years now both in California and New Jersey. She now runs a big 7x24 emergency care vet hospital and has a staff of 48. Most, if not all, veterianarians here in NJ and in CA are/were very very experienced with many years of practice. We have already done 2 c-sections with Kim's clinic and know of 2 other breeders in our area who have had great success.

I agree with "Labs" in establishing yourself with a couple of clinics. Do your business with them and establish a relationship to gain their trust. Once trust is established most will be willing to let you assist with reviving pups, etc. as it is an all hands on deck mode situation.

Be willing to drive. We drove 1-1/2 hours in CA to get to a repro specialist and now will drive up to 7 hours. It is worth the time and the money.


Re: Vets for C-sections on weekends and holidays

I have my vet's cell phone, home phone, and I know where he lives! We make arrangements far in advance for him and a tech to be on call at the appropriate time. I'd keep shopping for a breeder-friendly vet. Good luck!

Re: Vets for C-sections on weekends and holidays

Same thing here, Nancy .. I have my vet's cell number and have been told to call anytime day or night if I have any kind of a problem with my dogs .. not just whelping issues... She lives an hour away and well worth the drive. Have moved all my vet work there.

Re: Vets for C-sections on weekends and holidays

How do you handle this?

Always needed when not available.

In my redneck area, the only answer for a C-section is an emergency clinic, each over one hour away and not sure that novice staff have ever done one. Very hesitant to listen to breeder due to due date not elapsed and still in stage 1.

Not one Vet will come in on off-hours, no matter how much $ offered.

It's the same in every area. What happened to the old time vets that came to the home or opened their office for any patient in an emergency? They're few and far between all over.

In the time you drive to an ER clinic, you can lose an entire litter or your girl.

Don't think it's just your type of area. It's everywhere with a few, rare vets that truly care after closing hour, on weekends or holidays.

For those of you that have good vets that care, show them your appreciation. They certainly deserve it.

Re: Vets for C-sections on weekends and holidays

Well, your Kim is a dream and I wish it was the same everywhere. Reason she has the large practice now.

In the south, general consensus is that ER clinics are staffed with newer OR older Vets who do not or cannot make a commitment to an established practice. They come and go.

I too am venting because as much as I love "show" vets/ repro vets, they are essentially gone on weekends and holiday, showing. I think if they do the conception, they should be willing to come in whether a weekend holiday or whenever.

If I had the $, would set my own clinic up just for 5PM to 7 AM, hire all cleared ER vets, at least one with surgical experience to run it. Advertise the hell out of it. I would make money and lots of dogs would live longer. A dream---

Thanks for your input.

Re: Vets for C-sections on weekends and holidays

The other question I have for you is: in seven years, you have done two (2) C-sections. ???

Sort of proves my point about c-sects by ER vets---