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AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

There are dogs that pass in our lives, and leave superficial marks.
There are others that pass, and are going to leave delineated and notorious marks.
But there are those that enter in our lives, be part of them, create rows, becoming members of our daily routine, of your breeding plans, and our routine joys.
These dogs are simply a piece of our lives. They are part of our family, and become, to the long of the years, a mix of sensations that is difficult of explain. ........but are simply part of everything that surrounds us.
A little bit more than 45 days ago, we diagnosed a liver tumor in our "daughter" Grace. God wanted that she was beside him in very short time. ...........and on the last 26 of February, she left us, creating an immense hole in our hearts.
Especially for me, that used to have on her my inseparable company, and of a lot joy when we were joined in the kennel. .......and for sure for the breed, by what did she did and represented.
If I could, I would give up for everything to have her back. ..........titles, wins, specialty shows winnings, and everything more than was able to me bring back my "princess" back home again.
Now, there’s a big gap in my chest,... there is more of 45 days, comes bleeding and causing a sensation of very strong anguish.
She, by her own self, fought against this damned illness. ............but did not bear. It would be also a lot selfishness of mine breaks, want to drag her more time of life, after sessions of chemotherapy, medicines, and everything of efforts that were deeds for that she remained between us.
For me. ........a hard strike under all of the aspects.
I lost my princess. ........I lost my companion ...I lost a wonderful dog. .........I lost a reference. .........I lost my ground.
I cry every day, and alone, I pray to God just to take her to a nice and good place, and that she rests in peace.
I am sure that in a future, we go to meet each other again, and live cheerful moments once again.
Her “fruits” stayed here, and certainty will prove her qualities and characteristics, but nothing is going to cover the hole that she left.
My dear and eternally loved sweety “Grace”. will never be forgotten, always and eternally will be loved, and be sure that any day we will be together, and we are going to play a lot.
I love you so much,……. and will always love you. ........... Forever.
From your daddy with love.............


Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

I am so sorry to hear that you lost your beautiful sweet Grace.

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

Paulo I am so sorry to hear this. I am sure she is up there smiling that silly Lab grin down at you saying hey dad I am OK!

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Grace was a lovely girl.


Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

I am sorry for your loss. Grace Kelly, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. She will be in your heart forever.

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

Oh, I am so very sorry to hear this~ She was a beautiful girl. She will always have a special place in your heart...

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

Sinto muitíssimo sua perda Paulo. Meus sinceros sentimentos. Patricia

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

So sorry to hear this - Grace Kelly - died too young in real life and now her namesake as well.

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

I was touched by your honesty and devotion to your wonderful companion. I am very sorry for your loss. She took a small piece of your heart and is waiting for you but a big part of her is still with you - in your heart and memories.

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

Your memorial to your precious Grace has left my eyes so full of tears I can hardly type. I am so sorry she had to leave you so soon. There are some that touch us so deeply, words cannot explain that depth of emotion. But you surely touched me in your tribute to your girl. She knows you love her, she never left your side. She is there in a different form, until you are reunited one day for eternity.. Look for her, listen for her.. She will find a way to tell you she is there. Keep your heart open and you will one day know this.
God Bless you... My heart to yours, I am sorry. My angel left me a year ago April. I doubt I will ever be quite the same w/o him here in his earthly body. But I do know he is with me.
Godspeed Grace....

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

So very sorry for your loss. She was a beauty, but more a great companion. You will feel her around for a while. They stay in our heart and you feel their soul. It will take alot of time. Bless her.

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

I am so sorry for the loss of your special girl.

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

Paulo I am so sorry to hear you lost Grace. How terrible for you to lose her so young with what should have been so much life ahead of her. She was one of the most beautiful bitches I have had the good fortune to see. One that took my breath away. My prayers are with you, your family, and for Grace to be at peace.

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

((((((Paulo)))))) I am so sorry. She was perfect!

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

Paulo, I am so very sorry for your loss. Your words have brought me to tears and touched my heart. I feel privileged to have seen your girl on a few occasions over the years and will never forget how beautiful she was. Rest in peace dear sweet girl. ((HUGS)) to you Paulo.


Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

Sinto muito PC! Uma grande perda para a todos e para a raça, Grace foi um dos labs brasileiros que melhor representaram nosso país lá fora.
Força para vc!

So sorry PC! Was a great loss for all and for the breed, Grace was one of the Brazilian labs that best represented our country abroad.
Strength to you!


Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

so very very sorry for your loss .. they take up so much space in our lives and leave such big holes when they pass ...

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

I was so sorry to read of your premature loss of your most beautiful girl. I had the pleasure of seeing her and playing with her many times in the past and she was a warm, loving, spirited girl with elegant looks. I know this is a heart breaker for you.

May she live on in her puppies and may you find peace knowing that she leaves you with an everlasting legacy for generations to come.


Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

So sorry to hear about your Special Girl.
Godspeed Beautiful Grace.

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

My heartfelt condolences and so very sad to hear about your Grace's early passing. She will be with all the others that we cherished until you meet again. Rejoice in the many Great accomplishments she has left you and her future that is on the ground. She has left you many gifts and both of you have been blessed in her short time.

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

So sorry for your loss Paulo.

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

Thanks you so much for the kind message and words......from all of you.

It´s really hard to support this pain, and also tough to live without her.

She was a pecialal dog……and WILL BE FOREVER.

I know that now she is resting in peace, playing with some other dogs, and we will be together some day again.

Anyway, thank you VERY MUCH for the posts, and this represents so much for me.

Warm Regards for everyone, and wish you all the best.


Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

So sorry to read of your loss Paolo...Our sincerest condolences to you and to your family.

I did not have the pleasure of meeting her, but have heard many wonderful things about her . Our loss is never easy no matter how old or young they are, and hope her memories live on forever in your heart!

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

Paolo, I am so very sorry for your loss. Grace was a breathtaking bitch to see in the ring and I know she was much more than that to you. God Speed Grace!

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

THanks again for the hole messages, here, in my personal e-mail, and Facebook.
It´s really hard, that hurts, but THAT WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR..........
Thanks you all for the kind messages, posts, e-mails, and feelings.
Here I´m giving you the pleasure to listen a music wich represents all my feelings now. Hope you like it.

Best Wishes for you all

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

Paulo, having just lost my Biggas Ynga son Kasper and his siter Maija, one week apart, which I am sure that you read about here in the forum and on FB, I share the feeling that you are enduring, if I may,suggest what has eased my pain as it has been devastating, go back in time and remember those smiles that she put on your face as long as she was next to you....Godspeed to you Grace Kelly!

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

Having recently lost a "special one" myself recently I especially can relate to your loss and your post conveyed the love you had for her and made me cry. I am sorry for your premature loss of your special girl.

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved girl. Your words touched my heart and brought tears of sadness.
May God bless you and help you through this.
RIP beautiful Grace. You were very loved in life and blessed by such a wonderful home. Run free until you two meet again.

Re: AMCH.BRGRCH. BISS Dicroft Grace Kelly...... 12/dez/2004 * 26/fev/2010

THanks Deb and diane for the kind message.
Time will be my medicine to relieve my pain.
Best Regards for you all........