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Rally Leash

I am recently taking up Rally which I love.. Does anyone know what length leash you use?.. I am currently using a 4 ft long leash and rumour has it .. I should be using a 6 ft long leash...

Re: Rally Leash

Welcome to the fun world of Rally-O. According to Charles "Bud" Kramer, the gentleman who invented Rally-Obedience, there isn't a specified length of lead to use. He says in his book, "Since Rally classes do not have recall or stand-for-examination exercises, there is no need for the handler to use a 6-ft. lead. The shorter two-, three- and four-foot leads are much easier to work with while heeling...Leads need be only long enough when held properly they form a loose loop tHat hangs down near the dog's chest to provide sufficient slack."

AKC's Obedience and Rally Regulations says for Honor, which is an RE exercise, "Honor-This exercise shall be performed on a 6-foot leash. . ."

Have fun with Rally and remember to BREATHE!!

Re: Rally Leash

Kathy M.

Have fun with Rally and remember to BREATHE!!

Remember also you can talk to your dog throughout the exercises, unlike regular obedience. I found it made a big difference to my dogs.

Re: Rally Leash

In AKC rally, you need a 6 foot leash for the Honor Excercise in Excellent. Other than that, you can use any length leash you like. I've found 36" is a good lenght for me- it's long enough to have that all important slack, but not so long that the dog gets tangled up in it when they do a down. Plus it's what I use for obedience, so I'm more comfortable with it.

Re: Rally Leash

Use what feels comfortable, keeping in mind how well trained your dog is or is not. A shorter lead would work well for a dog coming off competition obedience experience and a UD etc. or for the Advanced (second level) of AKC rally, when it is only for going into and out of the ring. Since you get points off for a tight lead, I was told by my instructors to use a 6 ft lead in Novice, light and supple enough to bunch up in my hand, long enough to let out. She was working with a GSD and a big Irish Setter, so had occasion to use the length. I use a single buffalo lead from, and found that the time she only had enough for a 5 ft ish lead in the black I wanted, that was enough for a small, short backed girl Lab to turn wide. She didn't lag or forge too much, so we didn't need all the length. Maybe it will stretch to 6 ft, or I will buy a new one. I could have used the longer lead to let out the night I left it at home. My otherwise well trained Cavalier was sleepy that night, after our bedtime, and he lagged to look at a cute girl dog and her owner with food as I strode away to the next sign at a late night trial! I was sleepy, too, and suddenly realized that I had a tight lead with a Cavalier anchor on the other end. We lost our chance at first place. Just use a strong enough snap for the dog, just in case that boy sees a cute girl or someone throws a bumper or tennis ball near a retrieving fool. I still remember my Lab boy gazing longingly at the breed ring, nose in the air, scenting, as I tried to get his attention! Happy talk helps, calm for the up dogs, and really upbeat for the low key ones. I was glad I had the longer lead for the Lab boy the day he lost his mind scenting the girls in season! Rally really is fun.

Re: Rally Leash

Charlotte K.
...Since you get points off for a tight lead, I was told by my instructors to use a 6 ft lead in Novice, light and supple enough to bunch up in my hand, long enough to let out. She was working with a GSD and a big Irish Setter, so had occasion to use the length. ...

LOL My intro to Rally was from the same person.

Re: Rally Leash

My son and I have shown rally. I found the 6 foot lead helpful as some judges are mark down every tight leash. The first time in the ring for each of my dogs, they were not very focused and sometimes I just let them have all 6 ft while I got attention by quietly calling them back to me. I did not get any points off for this, whereas if they were on something shorter, the leash would have gone tight before getting them back to my side.

Also, you need 6 ft for the Honor in Excellent, so why not just use the same size for all of Rally was our thought.

Enjoy! The dogs love Rally.

Re: Rally Leash

I like the 6' leash as well, even in Novice. It allows for that slack if you are working a young dog that isn't "perfect".

Re: Rally Leash

For the honor in Excellent it has to be a 6' leash, other than that, go with what you like, however, word to the wise, if you have a dog that in Novice might pull or wander off, a longer leash and good leash management might save you points off for tight leash.