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I'm sure to some of you this might be a silly question. What is the purpose of a Sweepstakes? Is it kinda like a Match Show I see sometimes people say they had Best Puppy in Sweeps does that count towards point. Because I noticed some websites listing their puppy received 2 pts for Best Puppy. TIA

Re: Sweepstakes

You can not get points from sweepstakes wins or a Best Puppy award (these are two different things). More than likely the puppy that got points also was Winner's Dog/Bitch along with being awarded Best Puppy. For example, my puppy dog was just awarded Winner's Dog and then awarded Best Puppy in classes in the Puppy competition. He got points for his winner's dog award.

Sweepstakes in my opinion, is another way to get puppies out for ring experience and to compare them to other youngsters and in most cases you are showing them to breeder/judges. It is fun and relaxed. If you are lucky enough to place in your class you generally get a percentage of entry fees for the class.