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Importing semen from Europe

Has anyone imported semen from Europe? What's the easiest way? How do you deal with customs?

Re: Importing semen from Europe

Europe isn't one country - it is many;-) Different countries - different rules. So I guess you have to be more specific!

Re: Importing semen from Europe

No specific country but lets say it's an EU country on the continent and it's going to the US.

Re: Importing semen from Europe

why not contact Saudjie Crook, she is very knowledgeable in this area:

Re: Importing semen from Europe

I have and still am considering the same. I have contacted a breeder in Sweden. You have to make sure that their airline goes to a destination in your area. Also the time difference. If you have your results that your girl has ovulated at 4:00pm it may be the middle of the night for the stud owner. I would also make sure the breeder uses a 5 or 10 day extender.