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Booster Tubs

I know this was discussed before. I have a friend who bought a booster tub and now moved to where she can put a bathtub in her basement. She is offering to sell me her booster tub. It is still in the box. My Golden Retriever friend does nto like hers, says the coat plugs up the drain. Labs shouldn't be that bad? OK HONESTLY does everyone really like their booster bath tubs???

Re: Booster Tubs

I love mine and would never be without one again. I just bathed Izzy whose litter is 9 weeks old and she was going bald in a quick hurry. Her massive dropping of her coat did NOT plug the drain. However I am mindful and pick the clumps out of the BB. I have bathed 5 dogs in a row during shedding season and never had an issue. I say go for it!!! You won't be sorry!

Re: Booster Tubs

I just got mine last week and used it for the first time over the weekend to bathe all 7 dogs who were blowing coat like crazy! I have back trouble and I LOVE this tub as I was not crippled after a day of grooming. The drain did not clog although I am considering getting one of those screens like you would use in a regular bath tub just to catch the majority of the hair.

I was able to dry each dog before letting them out and the cross ties kept my old boy who likes to spin while being washed from doing just that.

Another good point for me is that I could move around the tub to make sure I really rinsed them well.

It works for me!