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OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Or you might end up on a site like this!

Spelling Wizard

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Nancy Rudgers
Or you might end up on a site like this!

Spelling Wizard

Unfortunately, this is how some teenagers spell and text. I don't see the humour.

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Scary isn't it!

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

With all the texting, they don't know how to spell anymore! It is very alarming!

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

It's not just the texting, this started before that with the "new" way to learn how to spell. JMHO

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

My sisters and I always won regional spelling bees but not so long ago spelling was not standard. Now as a mom of a brilliant dyslexic who still spells poorly after many special programs, I do ask myself why does spelling have to be standard? Is it really worth all the stress a dyslexic has to go through? My child reads very well and does very well on standardized tests, but I wish we lived before standardized spelling.

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Like you, I competeted in spelling bees and learned how to use punctuation and grammar correctly. When was the time "before standardized spelling"??

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

I believe that dictionaires came into common use in the early 1800s. Before that, spelling was much less standardized. Not my area of expertise- I could be wrong about the date.

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Tks Peggy....that was WAY before my time! So if we go waaay back to unstandardized spelling....what's next.....math??? 2 + 2....doesn't equal 4?!

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

I couldn't resist...2 + 2 = 1 if you're in Mod 3!

Have a great day!

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

peggy Stevens
I believe that dictionaires came into common use in the early 1800s. Before that, spelling was much less standardized. Not my area of expertise- I could be wrong about the date.

Are you sure Peggy??? Come on now and admit it - you were really born in 1782 and welcomed the new technology!LOL

It is scary though, we have new nurses in their early 20's(if even) that have come in to work through agency at the facility where I work and the spelling and grammar usage is atrocious!

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

With all the texting, they don't know how to spell anymore! It is very alarming!

Instant messaging was the beginning of the *u* for you, *y* for why, just to touch on the basics. I can understand abbreviating to keep a text message smaller with less characters. The problem is it's grown to the point it's used in daily conversation.

It's rare to see anyone on this list spelling like text messaging and instant messages. We all work with a keyboard and do sometimes have typographical errors or could be multi-tasking. Not every *error* is a lack of spelling ability. I'm sure I made a few in this post.

I do take offense to the *spelling police* posting on this list. No one is infalable. We all make mistakes, errors or typos. I don't waste my time with a spell checker, my spelling is and always was decent. I also did well in spelling bees but I'm no longer in primary school.

It is unfortunate to see children and teenagers deliberately creating their own urban spelling when others struggle due to disabilities. There are adult breeders on the list that might also have those same disabilities, there is no reason to harrass them. I find no humour in it.

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

It just isn't spelling that takes the hit, you see and hear some major grammatical mistakes on TV and radio all the time. I work in an office with "kids" in their 20's and 30's and the grammar makes me cringe. "I runned to the store at lunch", "I have got to go to a meeting", or "I has to go out tonight" are heard everyday. Sigh.....I must be getting old. AARP here I come!

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

You are NOT alone! What about someone who is laughing and says "LOL" or walks by and says "Smiley Face"?!

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

LOL I could handle but "Smiley Face"? I'd probably hit them!

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Typos are one thing, but actual grammar is another. Sometimes i'll type out my words and use the wrong spelling because i'm thinking ahead..however...i usually am the first to correct my sons with incorrect words. My 8 year old especially.

I think spell checkers are great to catch the typos, but not always to correct the spelling intended.

I feel that many of the kids today are slipping through the cracks in school. The work though is getting more difficult. Helping my 14 year old with his match - egads!

Texting is another thing though. << hehehe, my spellchecker doesn't like the word "texting". Sorry- but my son sends me a text with "iunno" and "imma" and all these abbreviations that i have to ask him what that means. Short forming the words is one thing, but made up words is another.

I don't find the humour in it ("humor" for the Americans) and am on constant watch with my sons to ensure they grow up with as much competance (hmmm, another spellchecker issue) in spelling as possible.

Have you ever visited a website and engage in support chat programs? some of the spelling on there is hideous! I don't normally use my capitals etc properly on forums and such- that is just laziness, however, if i were to type a letter, I am diligent. or try to be anyway.

It's a scary situation - the teenagers and young ones of today.

My spell checker picked up on several words in here, but "competance" gets me, as it's spelled correctly. Go figure!

Just my 2 cents.

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

To decode some texting acronyms:

Tina, it IS scary. I wonder if our parents had the same problems helping us with our homework and the "new" math?! I remember my Grandmother (ex-teacher) drilling my brother and I on our spelling lists in preparation for the weekly spelling test. I also remember being VERY proud when I was getting 100% on those same tests.

P.S. While I'd love to SMACK "Smiley Face"............I'm afraid if I started, I might not be able to stop!

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Excellent post, Tina.

P.S. I think your spell checker is giving you trouble because it's actually spelled 'competence'. And I wouldn't even have commented on it except that it's the topic of this thread... *wink*

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Even I don't remember the first dictionary!!! But I think Webster's was one of the first, and I seem to remember that it was published in the early 1800's. Spellcheck is my friend- I'm good with phonetics, but "ance" vs "ence" and similar perversities of the English language drive me crazy. Since I write for a living (lab handouts, lecture outlines, committee reports, as well as an occasional paper for publication- all targeted to students or academics) I have to take spelling seriously!

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

I hope your target audience takes it as seriously as you do Peggy!

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Well' in reading this post I can't help to feel that it was meant
for me!

Yes' I can't spell very good and my punctuation and grammar
are terrible, I will be the first to admit!

I have struggled my hole entire life with ADHD, and have had
to learn to except that I am different than most. I do the best I

We are not all perfect, just like our dogs.

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

No child left behind?

Unfortunately, this is how some teenagers spell and text. I don't see the humour.

It's not just the teenagers. This forum is embarrassing to read sometimes. Just look down the list of titles and right away you see a stray apostrophe. Possessive instead of plural. Then look inside the posts. Compliments instead of complements. Repo vets instead of repro vets. Loose instead of lose. Lyme's instead of Lyme. Ariel instead or aerial. Quite instead of quiet. Impute instead of input. There instead of their. Sight instead of site. Spade instead of spayed. And that's just a few of what's out there. I don't think there are a lot of teens on this SITE. These are the people making the decisions today about our breed. Scares me at times.

I am sure not immune to typos, though! I've made some doozies. Did I spell "doozies" right?

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Nancy Rudgers
No child left behind?

Unfortunately, this is how some teenagers spell and text. I don't see the humour.

It's not just the teenagers. This forum is embarrassing to read sometimes. Just look down the list of titles and right away you see a stray apostrophe. Possessive instead of plural. Then look inside the posts. Compliments instead of complements. Repo vets instead of repro vets. Loose instead of lose. Lyme's instead of Lyme. Ariel instead or aerial. Quite instead of quiet. Impute instead of input. There instead of their. Sight instead of site. Spade instead of spayed. And that's just a few of what's out there. I don't think there are a lot of teens on this SITE. These are the people making the decisions today about our breed. Scares me at times.

I am sure not immune to typos, though! I've made some doozies. Did I spell "doozies" right?

I can't add any 2 numbers on any given day!! So I should not be breeding and showing Labradors and should not make decisions about my dogs and the future of the breed or how they may or may not contribute? RIDICULOUS. Spelling has nothing to do with breeding properly, making decisions, putting out worthy dogs judged by pears and having the stamina to stay in this for more then 5 years. Not everyone has an education, formal or otherwise. How arrogant to think everyone should be able to spell correctly. Not reality and NOT anything to do with being a good breeder.

find my spelling mistakes!

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Believe me, the academics do. The students? Well maybe not- but there is such a thing as teaching by example!

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Spelling has nothing to do with breeding properly, making decisions, putting out worthy dogs judged by pears.....find my spelling mistakes!

I want to show my dogs to pears!!! Will any old pear do or do I need an Anjou? Come on, don't be mad.

I thought the web site was a hoot. Intellectual mud wrestling. It makes our Forum food fights look like an afternoon tea.

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!


Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Now you guys are getting it!!!

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Nancy Rudgers
No child left behind?

Unfortunately, this is how some teenagers spell and text. I don't see the humour.

It's not just the teenagers. This forum is embarrassing to read sometimes. Just look down the list of titles and right away you see a stray apostrophe. Possessive instead of plural. Then look inside the posts. Compliments instead of complements. Repo vets instead of repro vets. Loose instead of lose. Lyme's instead of Lyme. Ariel instead or aerial. Quite instead of quiet. Impute instead of input. There instead of their. Sight instead of site. Spade instead of spayed. And that's just a few of what's out there. I don't think there are a lot of teens on this SITE. These are the people making the decisions today about our breed. Scares me at times.

I am sure not immune to typos, though! I've made some doozies. Did I spell "doozies" right?

I can't add any 2 numbers on any given day!! So I should not be breeding and showing Labradors and should not make decisions about my dogs and the future of the breed or how they may or may not contribute? RIDICULOUS. Spelling has nothing to do with breeding properly, making decisions, putting out worthy dogs judged by pears and having the stamina to stay in this for more then 5 years. Not everyone has an education, formal or otherwise. How arrogant to think everyone should be able to spell correctly. Not reality and NOT anything to do with being a good breeder.

find my spelling mistakes!

No one is saying that your spelling skills and breeding skills should both be stellar, however, if you are breeding Labradors, you should be able to spell that correctly, and I've seen questions here about puuppys and I'm still trying to figure out what they are...There are some words that as "breeders" we should all get right because that is our area of expertise. Even so, it irks me to no end when I see a spelling error, as it is really inexcusable with the advent of spellcheck.

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Maybe Jill needs to have two forums, one for the stupid people
that can't spell and one for the geniuses that can spell!!!! Ha Ha

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

tis as ben two funni tooday, gurls! ty 4 mi laff tooday!

pears two ya!

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

u bet Im ammussed by all this LOL

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Emily Jones (Glenmirth)
Excellent post, Tina.

P.S. I think your spell checker is giving you trouble because it's actually spelled 'competence'. And I wouldn't even have commented on it except that it's the topic of this thread... *wink*

LOL...I write competance or competence and it underlined both on me. so i did a google search and came up with it with the same meaning but spelled two different ways. So i second guessed myself, and was sure with competent -- that is fine with the two "e's" but with competancy - with the "a" -- know where my train of thought went on this...i got myself confused! LOL

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!


No one is saying that your spelling skills and breeding skills should both be stellar, however, if you are breeding Labradors, you should be able to spell that correctly, and I've seen questions here about puuppys and I'm still trying to figure out what they are...There are some words that as "breeders" we should all get right because that is our area of expertise. Even so, it irks me to no end when I see a spelling error, as it is really inexcusable with the advent of spellcheck.

I do have to say - a peeve of mine is "confirmation" when it should be "conformation" . Or "advise" when it's "advice" in certain instances. BUT...I will also say that every day i use the word confirmation in typing when i'm at work - and find myself many times writing conformation because dogs are on the brain. So i can see how it would really just be a typo or a mistake.

I honestly believe that while our children of today are presented with typing everything and texting to each other...we can easily get lost in our grammar and our spelling - which really isn't the end of the world. There are much more important things..which to me is that my child has the occasional spelling issue vs verbally expressing themselves incorrectly and using "ain't" and "gonna" and "i gonned to the store" . oral communication vs written if i had to choose : I would choose oral communication be strong.

I should be up to 4 cents now

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Nancy Rudgers
No child left behind?

Unfortunately, this is how some teenagers spell and text. I don't see the humour.

It's not just the teenagers. This forum is embarrassing to read sometimes. Just look down the list of titles and right away you see a stray apostrophe. Possessive instead of plural. Then look inside the posts. Compliments instead of complements. Repo vets instead of repro vets. Loose instead of lose. Lyme's instead of Lyme. Ariel instead or aerial. Quite instead of quiet. Impute instead of input. There instead of their. Sight instead of site. Spade instead of spayed. And that's just a few of what's out there. I don't think there are a lot of teens on this SITE. These are the people making the decisions today about our breed. Scares me at times.

I am sure not immune to typos, though! I've made some doozies. Did I spell "doozies" right?

I can't add any 2 numbers on any given day!! So I should not be breeding and showing Labradors and should not make decisions about my dogs and the future of the breed or how they may or may not contribute? RIDICULOUS. Spelling has nothing to do with breeding properly, making decisions, putting out worthy dogs judged by pears and having the stamina to stay in this for more then 5 years. Not everyone has an education, formal or otherwise. How arrogant to think everyone should be able to spell correctly. Not reality and NOT anything to do with being a good breeder.

find my spelling mistakes!

I think you may have missed my entire post *Ridiculous*

No child left behind?
With all the texting, they don't know how to spell anymore! It is very alarming!

Instant messaging was the beginning of the *u* for you, *y* for why, just to touch on the basics. I can understand abbreviating to keep a text message smaller with less characters. The problem is it's grown to the point it's used in daily conversation.

It's rare to see anyone on this list spelling like text messaging and instant messages. We all work with a keyboard and do sometimes have typographical errors or could be multi-tasking. Not every *error* is a lack of spelling ability. I'm sure I made a few in this post.

I do take offense to the *spelling police* posting on this list. No one is infalable. We all make mistakes, errors or typos. I don't waste my time with a spell checker, my spelling is and always was decent. I also did well in spelling bees but I'm no longer in primary school.

It is unfortunate to see children and teenagers deliberately creating their own urban spelling when others struggle due to disabilities. There are adult breeders on the list that might also have those same disabilities, there is no reason to harrass them. I find no humour in it.

Of course, we should make an attempt to spell breed related words properly on this list. We can still make errors including typos without others calling themselves names similar to the Spelling Police, attacking if there is an error.

Someone mentioned a child that has learning disabilities. That was one of the reasons for my response which is within my reply.

Please don't clump me with the original poster that posted again in what you quoted. I don't agree with her. No one on this list is better than anyone else by the way they type.

I'm not home long after working 12 hours. I'm tired and may type a few errors. I just fixed 2!

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Know what you are saying with the texting and spelling. Am older, hard to understand once in a while. But on this forum we are here to learn from one another. Sometimes we are in a hurry but want to ask a question. We don't need the person who thinks they are so perfect correcting us. In what is happening in the world today, hold important is it.
Give me a break.

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Unfortunately the spell check would not have caught the original problem. BOARD is spelled correctly. The original poster, while trying to be cautionary, missed the ball completely.

Spell check is worthless to find plain word misuses.

How many of us see misuses of words here? Two = 2, Too = also and To is a direction or point.

And, while we are ranting and raving (lol). When did Americans forget to us "ed" after verbs?

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

The original poster (me) just thought the site was hilarious: "I'm board." "I'm chalk, we should get together!"

And also to point out what's posted anywhere can get posted EVERYWHERE!

I usually compose my posts in Microsoft Word. It automatically underlines spelling and grammatical errors. Then I cut and paste here. Takes only about 2 extra seconds.

I spell a lot of words incorrectly and catch them before they go on the site.

Bottom line though - has a lot of really funny stuff, most of it not about spelling!

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Those of you on here making fun of someones elses shortcomings are disgusting. Do you also laugh at blind people? Who the heck raised you?
I know why this was posted and I know who did the original post which is not in this message. Shame on you. Just because you can spell doesn't make you holier than thou and give you just cause to ridicule. You make me sick.

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Spelling errors can be very funny, and laughing at a typo doesn't necessarily mean you are making fun of the person who made it. My favorite was made by a student (who now has a Ph.D. in immunology) who cited her lab manual "Developmental Biology: a Laboratory Course" and left out the "o" in course. When I showed it to her, we had a good laugh over it. I suggested that it might be a Freudian slip.

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Boy oh boy, I cannot believe how low some have to stoop for a laugh. Yes I believe people should have decent usage of spelling and grammar, but people are not perfect and mistakes happen.

You know, my brothers get laughed at due to their spelling and grammar usage. I really hope some people feel great about them selves because both have learning disabilities. One is more severe then the other, but it makes no difference. Even though you cannot tell at first glance, you can catch it when you get into a conversation with them . Snickers and more snickers..... It really does make me sick, very sad and very angry.

So my question is :
How the hell would you know who is sitting behind the keyboard ? Are you even aware that the person MAY have a learning disability ? No , it does not inhibit their abilities to make good decisions or be good, ethical and responsible breeders. My older brother co-owns a bitch puppy with me, shows and is educating him self to be a better owner, and one day, a better breeder. Can he spell great ? Not at all. He has trouble with some of the simplest of words (to me) and grammar can be slack most of the time. My younger brother, however, is not so much the same way. He lacks self esteem thanks to some people who believe they are all mighty and HAVE to comment and/or make fun of him. The dogs I think do help him, but he gets VERY shy, and cannot handle showing/ competing . He does break down once in a while when he does not understand. His teachers have told us of a few occasions he did the exact thing in class, and it broke my heart. We are working with him, and hopefully can get him turned around and more confident. He misspells words that many 9 yr olds can get right, does that make him less intelligent ? No, he has his strong points in education and does very well in math and arts.

Now maybe next time, before you make fun on people and their usage of spelling and/or grammar, you just may want to STOP and THINK before you add your smart a** comments. You never know who the person is behind the keyboard and you certainly don’t know what kind of education they have had . I do not find websites like the one posted, humorous . Why ? Because maybe, just MAYBE, the feelings of the person who posted it originally , would be squashed JUST BECAUSE they made a few mistakes. I mean come on, for someone like my brothers to see people LAUGH and make fun of their posts and their spelling and/or grammar mistakes , because theyr are not as “perfect” as they (people doing the picking) are.. How would you feel ? I , for one, would be very hurt..

Ok, I think I am done ranting...... I think !

Side note :
Barb, my father is blind in one eye, and almost blind in the other. He is only 49 (guess my age), so it kills him to be "broken down". Yes, sadly, many people stare and proceed to snicker and comment behind his back as well. He has to wear his dark glasses and, even though he doesn't like to, he must carry his walking stick (correct term escapes me at this time). Sometimes I feel like some people were raised with no compassion , no feeling, no manners and no respect for others. It gets depressing some times, I will admit !

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

For Pete's sake. Apparently some people here are very thin skinned. They do not seem to be able to cope with making even the tiniest mistakes. If you don't make mistakes, you are probably in a coma. Or maybe dead.

If you can't find the humor in day-to-day human foibles, you are most likely one grumpy person. Please learn to take yourselves less seriously.

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

It is not humor and it hurts when your family could not afford for you to have alot of education. They did the best they could, you did the best you could.
Be thankful some of you had the life you did and get over yourself. Making fun of others sure does not look good on you.

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Those of you on here making fun of someones elses shortcomings are disgusting. Do you also laugh at blind people? Who the heck raised you?
I know why this was posted and I know who did the original post which is not in this message. Shame on you. Just because you can spell doesn't make you holier than thou and give you just cause to ridicule. You make me sick.

your over-reaction is funny. thanks for the giggle

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Try drying the tears of the person you have hurt today you moron.

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Talk about much ado about nothing! Many of you got your undies in a bunch needlessly. The OP merely posted a very funny link. Where on earth did you get the idea that she was "making fun of others?" Can't something just simply be funny without it having malicious undertones? Why are you all so quick to interpret what isn't even there??? Geez, get a grip and just have a laugh; I have a sneaking suspicion that many of you don't do that nearly enough!

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

You aren't seeing the whole picture. This started after a previous post on here. There is more to it.

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

You aren't seeing the whole picture. This started after a previous post on here. There is more to it.

I guess not. I thought the OP was sharing a laugh with all of us - one that I truly appreciated. It's a shame you can't laugh at it, too and instead only see malice. Laughter is the best medicine, you know. You should try it sometime.

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Nancy Rudgers
No child left behind?

Unfortunately, this is how some teenagers spell and text. I don't see the humour.

It's not just the teenagers. This forum is embarrassing to read sometimes. Just look down the list of titles and right away you see a stray apostrophe. Possessive instead of plural. Then look inside the posts. Compliments instead of complements. Repo vets instead of repro vets. Loose instead of lose. Lyme's instead of Lyme. Ariel instead or aerial. Quite instead of quiet. Impute instead of input. There instead of their. Sight instead of site. Spade instead of spayed. And that's just a few of what's out there. I don't think there are a lot of teens on this SITE. These are the people making the decisions today about our breed. Scares me at times.

I am sure not immune to typos, though! I've made some doozies. Did I spell "doozies" right?

Someone has way to much time on their hands.

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

Most of the posters on this forum think they are smarter then they really are. I have met most of you in real life. Trust me, Mensa in not coming knocking any time soon.

Re: OT - Why you might want to use spell checking!

I have an infant grandson who may very well end up with some learning/ behavioral disabilities along with his physical issues. I've always tried to be considerate in my daily life, not knowing why someone might be a little different, but I admit to being frustrated with spelling and grammatical errors especially in our local newspaper and watching the news. I have worked directly with the public and animals for a very long time. I thought I knew a lot, but after taking our beautiful family on a breakfast outing recently I noticed people looking and whispering and I knew how hurtful that was to my daughter. The baby requires oxygen and he's in leg braces for club feet. He's very delayed, so he looks much younger than he really is. I know firsthand what the other end of the spectrum is for "normalcy" in most people's minds. We don't know his future, but pray every day that it is a functional one and that he will have the opportunities the rest of us have. Until one has walked in these shoes it's impossible to know how exhausting this is both mentally and physically. My daughter is my hero. She has risen to this challenge. As a side note, my father is a genius in science and mathematics/engineering. He has gorgeous handwriting, was a great tennis player, made the all-star high school/college list for track and football, and could play ice hockey like nobody's business! He raced and won many regattas on his 3 sailboats and literally saved us from being capsized(in our first sailboat) in a sudden turn of weather off the coast of Cape Cod when I was little. All that and who's going to care if he can spell?