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Ljutic Lane Labradors website?

Where is it? I used to love looking at all the wonderful photos of the dogs as they matured. Is Rebecca Cook still breeding?

Re: Ljutic Lane Labradors website?

Yes' I am here!

It has been a terrible winter here. My new computer has crashed around 3 times
and has been in the shop a numerous amount of times and is still not working
correctly. Apple is suppose to be sending someone out this week to check the
mother board. They put a new hard drive in about a month ago and I have lost
a numerous amount of photo's and files. I have a external hard drive but have
not been able to use it due to the port not working. Needles to say it has been
very frustrating!

My web site is down and has been down for quiet some time. Brent who use
to due the web site also had a computer crash and has been trying to get the
computer fixed for quiet some time. It is a old computer and they are having
a very hard time getting it fixed just so we can retrieve the info for the old web
site. Not only did the computer crash of Brent's, the web host that we were
using went out of business. This hole thing has just been a night mare.

I have bought a new web address and hope to get something put back up
very soon. I am praying that Brent will be able to get his computer working
so we can publish the old web site as I have lost a lot of the old photo's of the

I have a lot of new stuff going on here and I am very excited to show
off all the new kids, I also have been doing a lot of testing on the dogs.
If anyone has any questions or wants to know about any of my dogs please
do not hesitate giving me a call or emailing me at

Also, my email address will be changing by the end of the month, my new
email will be (

Please keep me in your prayers that they will be able to get Brents computer
working so we can retrieve everything. It took hours of Brent's time and my time
to build the old site.

Sorry so long!