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Puppy worming

What meds, how much and age are you using for new pup worming?

Things are changing, and I am just looking for the newest ideas. Or maybe the oldest.

Thanks for any input.

Re: Puppy worming

Nemex-2 here. We don't really have much of a problem with worms where we live. I wormed at 4 and 6 weeks and when the pups went to their homes and had their check ups, no one had worms.

Re: Puppy worming

I have used Nemex 2 for years at 4, 6, and 8 weeks and they sometimes still have worms. Some of the wormers are becoming resistant to the meds. I just read that somewhere.

You can get it at Petco and TSC.

Re: Puppy worming

Pyrantel at 2, 4 Fenbendazole at 6 weeks and right before going home at 8 weeks if needed.