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My boy was rooting a bone and in the process scraped a little of the skin on the top of his nose, it was bleeding right after and then the skin fell off a few days later. Now is a light pink spot about the size of a dime on the top part of his muzzle right where the nose line begins. This is an area that is normally dark with pigment as he is a yellow. Is there anything I can put on this that will help heal it faster? We have shows!

Re: Nose

My young black male recently skinned the top of his nose - the whole top was pink! We used scar reducing cream from the drug store (for people) once it was healed over and it ended up completely disappearing... Try to keep him out of the sun too.

Re: Nose

Mederma is the best scar reducing ointment

Re: Nose

My girl was bitten by a snapping turtle.
A couple judges asked about the pink on her nose, but gave her winners bitch so it didn't matter

Re: Nose

Waterproof mascara