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To Rebecca Cook -- Late to the Spelling thread

Spelling well is a gift, a gift such as the ability to draw, sculpt, compose music, design structures or take incredible photos.

Spelling is NOT an indication of intellectual capacity. Spelling ability has no direct correlation to intelligence. This explains why some gifted inventors or even writers are not automatic spellers. These statements are not just my opinion. They are what I've learned from the experts having spent most of my adult life in the classroom. I assure you – they are facts!

Rebecca, if I am not mistaken, you are the photographer that has taken so many beautiful pictures of our Labradors. I have enjoyed your photos very much. I’m so glad you’re a gifted photographer! I could care less about your spelling.

And what does it take to become a successful breeder? The ability to use higher level thinking skills, such as the ability to Plan, Forecast, Synthesize and Evaluate. Not spell! But if someone
happens to be a good speller, bless you. I envy you.

How about this idea? A Forum buddy system! An editor, a gifted speller, paired with each spelling challenged poster or is that postor?

You can take the teacher out of the classroom but .......

Re: To Rebecca Cook -- Late to the Spelling thread

I too agree with this poster. I have always been one that got amazing grades. I graduated college with a 3.9 overall with a double major and then graduate school with honors also. All this being said, I have trouble doing simple math some days. I couldn't pass Algebra 1 in high school, even getting straight A's in everything else, and needed a tutor. I had to take Basic Math before advancing in college, which is really embarrassing. I just don't have that gift, that gift for numbers. I always wanted to go into medicine, but i know that my math and science skills (due to math being so poor)would never allow me to do well in that field. I could have struggled through I guess, but just accepted the fact that I just don't get it. It has nothing to do with your intelligence or you as a person, and when reading your post, really felt so sad that you were hurt. I am so sorry. And even though I have always don't extremely well in spelling and english, if you talked to most of my puppy families and friends, they could show you e-mails that would make you think I had an issue with spelling, as with most of us, we are so busy, who has the time to check every word, every error that you make when you are quickly typing an e-mail to get it out of the way, especially late night or early morning when barely awake. And I wish I had your gift or being so courageous and coming forward with that moving post (and wouldn't mind being able to take a good picture or two either):)

Re: To Rebecca Cook -- Late to the Spelling thread

Rebecca I am sorry for the hurt you have experienced because of those vicious emails.

It's obvious that the people who were so unkind to you had no idea of your struggles in life. That is usually the case.

You know what they say? Walk a mile in my shoes before you judge me.

Your positive, kind and grateful heart is truly inspiring.

Keep your chin up.

PS. I confess I can't spell either

Re: To Rebecca Cook -- Late to the Spelling thread

I am a spell check junkie as well :O)

Re: To Rebecca Cook -- Late to the Spelling thread

I read 3 threads and I can't find anywhere that Ms. Cook was singled out. She's not the only one with typos and creative spelling. What am I missing?

Re: To Rebecca Cook -- Late to the Spelling thread

Look again, she wrote it herself.

Re: To Rebecca Cook -- Late to the Spelling thread

I will ask you a personal favor, leave this be please. Why bring up an old thread in which someone was already upset? All you're probably doing is causing additional upset more than likely. There's no reason to re-hash this subject in my opinion. There is no reason to do so, especially *Confused*.