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Researching the Motorola Droid for Video quality

I'm getting set to upgrade my phone and was wondering if any of you have the Motorola Droid ?

How is the quality of video say when you download it on You Tube ?

I'm looking for a multipurose phone that can take short video footage with decent resolution so my puppy families can view pups weekly on You Tube.

Any other user friendly video cameras that is easy to transfer to my computer ??

Re: Researching the Motorola Droid for Video quality

We've got both a Motorola Droid and a Droid Eris. Video quality is fairly nice on both. We really like our Droids! Good luck!

Re: Researching the Motorola Droid for Video quality

I have had the Motorola Droid since the release. Video is good but the quality is not the same as a digital camcorder, nor have the same features as a digital camcorder. Its great for a phone having it built in.

As far as getting a droid I highly recommend it. Great to have the internet at your fingertips. Nothing like tweeting from ringside!