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Cysts on a females vulva?

Hey you all
Not sure how to explane this but I just bred my female almost 3 weeks ago (it´s been 19 days to be exact since she was bred). I have noticed some kind of cysts or pimples on her vulva. Have anyone seen something like that before??
Thanks in advance

Re: Cysts on a females vulva?

It could be more like a blister... can it come from some hormonal changes??

Re: Cysts on a females vulva?

This can be a sign of herpesvirus infection.
Get her tested while the blisters are still active so your vet can make a diagnosis before the litter is born. Herpesvirus can be fatal to your litter.
If it's not herpesvirus, best to find out what it is (bacterial, other virus, hormonal) since she is pregnant, the stakes are high.

Re: Cysts on a females vulva?

One of my girls would occasionally get a pimple like thing on her vulva, but not while pregnant. She had one just prior to her 2nd/final litter recently and had 10 pups, 2 of which died shortly after birth that were very small (poor attachment sites I think).

Re: Cysts on a females vulva?

Thanks... I will consult with my vet tomorrow.