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Hunting retriever class at specialties

So if you show in a regular class and win that class and go on to winners dog and you win, and you show in the hunting retriever class and you DO NOT win, I think you cannot show in Best of Breed , correct?
Does losing a hunting retriever class effect the winners ring at all?

Re: Hunting retriever class at specialties

Hunting dog is a non-regular class that champions can enter, so does not impact winners. Most of the time this class is judged after winners dog. However, if your dog is WD but does not win the hunting dog class, it cannot be considered for Best of Breed as all dogs in the BOB ring should be undefeated.

Re: Hunting retriever class at specialties

Makes sense , I knew that about being undefeated for BOB , but I could not put together how it might effect WD THanks!

Re: Hunting retriever class at specialties

Hunting dog is a non-regular class that champions can enter, so does not impact winners. Most of the time this class is judged after winners dog. However, if your dog is WD but does not win the hunting dog class, it cannot be considered for Best of Breed as all dogs in the BOB ring should be undefeated.

No - ANY dog with a hunting title (defined by the club, such as a JH) can enter the Hunting Retriever class - it's not just for champions!

Re: Hunting retriever class at specialties

I meant that since Champions can enter, this class does not impact winners. As with any class, the dog must meet the requirements to be entered in the class.

Re: Hunting retriever class at specialties

Yes, but if it loses the non-regular class and therefore is ineligible for BOB, does the dog still go back in the BOB ring to compete for Best of Winners?

Re: Hunting retriever class at specialties

I believe the dog is not required to be titled (JH, SH, MH, etc.), but to have successfully completed at least one leg towards their title.

Re: Hunting retriever class at specialties

The dog DOES have to have a JH, SH, or MH, Not just one leg. If the hunting dog or bitch is Also entered in a regular class, say open and If they win their Open class and go on to win WD or WB, BUT get 2nd, 3rd or 4th or not place in Hunting retriever, they Can Not go back in for BOB or BOW, as they were defeated. Also in turn if you enter Hunting Bitch or Dog and go Winner's you Must compete in the Hunting class in order to be eligible for BOW and BOB. Happened at a local specialty a couple years back and the show secretary told Winner's bitch that she had to go back in for Hunting retriever bitch in order to be eligible for BOW. Couple years later, a dog won hunting dog, but did not place in Open black, was Not eligible to go back in for BOB or Best Hunting overall since he had been defeated in one of his entered classes.

Re: Hunting retriever class at specialties

YES, YOU DO have to have a Hunting Title, JH, SH, MH!
I will say that I am pretty proud when my boy who has a hunting title is one of only a few in the Hunting Dog class at a 250-300 entry at a specialty!

Re: Hunting retriever class at specialties

The past few years, Hunting Dog has been one of the largest classes at our specialty. I like to enter this class because this is the real purpose of dog shows for Sporting breeds – showing the best of our working dogs. The requirements for entering the class at our club’s specialty is a JH, SH, or MH title or a JAM or better at a licensed field trial.

Re: Hunting retriever class at specialties

Been there before
The dog DOES have to have a JH, SH, or MH, Not just one leg. If the hunting dog or bitch is Also entered in a regular class, say open and If they win their Open class and go on to win WD or WB, BUT get 2nd, 3rd or 4th or not place in Hunting retriever, they Can Not go back in for BOB or BOW, as they were defeated. Also in turn if you enter Hunting Bitch or Dog and go Winner's you Must compete in the Hunting class in order to be eligible for BOW and BOB. Happened at a local specialty a couple years back and the show secretary told Winner's bitch that she had to go back in for Hunting retriever bitch in order to be eligible for BOW. Couple years later, a dog won hunting dog, but did not place in Open black, was Not eligible to go back in for BOB or Best Hunting overall since he had been defeated in one of his entered classes.

I didn't think it sounded right that if a dog (or bitch) was awarded Winners they would then be mandated to compete in an entered Non-regular class in order to be eligible for BOW/BOB.

So, from the horse's mouth (AKC):
Non- Regular classes do not fall under the continue to compete rule. You are not mandated to show in the Non-regular class (if you choose to and are defeated, then you may not continue on to Best Of Breed competition).

Sorry, but that show secretary was wrong on that account. The Winners Bitch was not required to compete in the Hunting class in order to be eligible for further competition. This makes sense since dogs who are marked Absent are not counted as competition and, therefore, cannot be considered defeated.