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Giardia - drug resistant? Help?

Positive test for Giardia at vet after sudden, severe diarrhea with blood in one dog.
Have tried Flagyl, Panacur, Tylan and even Albon, all in their prescribed doses.
This has been going on for about a month.
None have worked and diarrhea has not ceased. No more blood, but still severe diarrhea. 3 dogs affected now.
Otherwise healthy, normal dogs.
Vet is at a loss as well.
I am willing to try anything, even natural remedies at this point since the drugs used to treat do not work!!
Any suggestions?

Re: Giardia - drug resistant? Help?

Did you mean your vet keeps testing and they continue to be positive? or, did you mean the parasites are gone but the runs are not?? Sounds as if you killed the parasites but the intestinal tracks are very irritated to the point you can't calm or heal them. I might suggest talking to your vet about a 14 day dose of Metronidazole and a very bland diet of nothing but rice/chicken or rice/lean ground beef. With so many medications maybe there is an adverse reaction. Good Luck

Re: Giardia - drug resistant? Help?

How long did you use the Panacur/Fenbendazole? For treatment for Giardia it should have been 7 days on 7 days off 7 days on and make sure you bathe your dog and all his/her linens at the end of treatment as there are cysts that can linger and reinfect the dog. Also I agree about trying to do a very bland diet and then slowly reintroducing kibble once the diarrhea subsides.

Re: Giardia - drug resistant? Help?

I would also add a live organism probiotic to the diet.

I found this for natural remedies

Re: Giardia - drug resistant? Help?

Try using Purina Fort-Flora it has been tested and found to be effective for drug resistant giardia.

Re: Giardia - drug resistant? Help?

I would be giving them dollops of yogurt and canned pumpkin..the canned pumpkin will firm up poop in a matter of hours. Both help with healthy digestion.
Make sure the canned pumpkin's only ingredient is added spices.

It has always worked for me..


Re: Giardia - drug resistant? Help?

Hi...old timer've done with Panacur 7 days on 5 days off 7 days on. I have had bitches after whelping, no they did not eat a bunch of afterbiths etc........with the "runs" Amoxicillan 500 mg. twice a day and they show vast improvement with in 36 hours or less.Just a I do not know why it works!! I've found this to work with other "runs"!

Re: Giardia - drug resistant? Help?

Positive test for Giardia at vet after sudden, severe diarrhea with blood in one dog.
Have tried Flagyl, Panacur, Tylan and even Albon, all in their prescribed doses.
This has been going on for about a month.
None have worked and diarrhea has not ceased. No more blood, but still severe diarrhea. 3 dogs affected now.
Otherwise healthy, normal dogs.
Vet is at a loss as well.
I am willing to try anything, even natural remedies at this point since the drugs used to treat do not work!!
Any suggestions?

The same thing happened to me. Puppies had diarrhea so treated them with Albon, but no improvement after 4 days of using it. So the vet ran a fecal, which was negative, and a giardia test. They tested positive for giardia and went on metronidazole. Still had diarrhea after the treatment. This time tested negative for giardia. He sent a sample out to be cultured for campylobacter and it was positive. Puppies went on erythromycin and saw an improvement within a couple days. This whole thing went on for 3 weeks and was glad I didn't have a litter of 10 puppies

Re: Giardia - drug resistant? Help?

I use 1 cup pumpkin with 1 cup cooked rice and add to 1/2 cup regular food, I give this every feeding until stools are firm.

Always give probiotic with any antibiotic/antiparasitic treatments.

Whenever I have any health issue, I also give a cooked egg a day for extra protein to build resistance from dog's own system.

Re: Giardia - drug resistant? Help?

It is best to give the probiotic 2-3 hours away from any antibiotic or the antib. will just counter act the prob.

Not sure about antiparasitic counter acting but would probably be best to separate from the prob. too.

I also continue on prob. for 2-4 weeks after antib. are finished.