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A day at an AKC dog show

This is a great quiz. Before dismissing it, take a look. It's about point schedules, titles and the like.

Great for newbies and for fun. It doesn't take long.

Re: A day at an AKC dog show

Thank you for posting this link.
The test was fun to take.
I felt pretty good that I only got one question wrong!
I have been showing for 10 years and there were a few questions I was not sure about.
An informative test.

Re: A day at an AKC dog show

Finally a test *I* can get 100% on! Thanks, it was fun.

Re: A day at an AKC dog show


Re: A day at an AKC dog show

I guess I know more than I thought I did! However, I was wrong on the last question, 'All exhibitors are wealthy!' It should have said 'Formerly were wealthy prior to showing dogs!'

Fun link, thanks for posting it.