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Grand Champion

Will many of you be showing your champions to achieve the new Grand Champion Title?

Re: Grand Champion

Can't wait for that!

Re: Grand Champion


Re: Grand Champion

I guess I am outta da loop - is this a new AKC title or UKC - can someone fill me in?
Valerie - Bibsmom

Re: Grand Champion

Just another AKC money making scheme in my book

Re: Grand Champion

Will not be doing it.
Money making scheme is right!
I am just upset that it will change the way we special our dogs now.
I special my dogs when I want to bring them out for fun or to a judge I like.
Never for rankings or ego.
Too bad now that won't be fun anymore either
Guess I'll save my money.

Re: Grand Champion

I recently read the AKC rules regarding the new GRCH title, and from what I could see, it won't really affect anyone "specialing" their dog. There will still be BOB and BOS, but there will also be a "Select Male" and "Select Female" chosen from among the champions of record competing. If I read it correctly, a dog will need to amass 25 points to achieve the GRCH title. Points are earned according to the number of other champions of record defeated that day. BOB gets to count all the other CHs in its numbers; BOS gets to count all the CHs of the same sex that it has "defeated". I THINK that the Select Male and Select Female then get to count only those of the same sex that THEY have "defeated", but I'm not positive about this.

However, while I'm not sure how many judges you have to earn points under, I don't think a dog can "finish" its GRCH title by going BOB at a specialty!

Good luck to those who choose to participate!

Re: Grand Champion

Just another thought here, but maybe it's a way for all-breed clubs to boost THEIR entries and in that way stay viable. Entries have been down the past few years while costs have skyrocketed. Maybe this will help some of the smaller clubs stay in business, and some of the medium sized clubs will be able to afford more breeder-judges and breed specialists, which they can't always do.


Leslee Pope

Re: Grand Champion

many national clubs always choose selects at specialties anyway. Many lab specialties have AOMs, which will be selects and count for something more than just a ribbon. This will now bring the term select across to all breeds. Whether or not someone amasses enough point for the GRCH is up to them.

Re: Grand Champion

So you only "Special" your dog(s) when you think you can win? How about Specialing your dogs because you think they CAN win regardless of the judge? I would not enter my dog in Breed competition just to achieve this title, but if my dog is being shown as a Special and he/she achieves the title while at it, so be it. One more thing to be proud of.

Re: Grand Champion

Are you in the habit of showing your dogs to judges you don't think you will do well under???
I don't know about you but I don't find it neccessary to "special" my dogs just for the sake of entering a lot of shows. I do it to enjoy myself and what's the point of entering under a judge who isn't going to like my dogs? Or to a judge whose taste I don't care for? The ribbon would be meaningless to me so why would I bother?

So you only "Special" your dog(s) when you think you can win? How about Specialing your dogs because you think they CAN win regardless of the judge? I would not enter my dog in Breed competition just to achieve this title, but if my dog is being shown as a Special and he/she achieves the title while at it, so be it. One more thing to be proud of.

Re: Grand Champion

Regardless of if you like it or not, It will be an extra title -an step up from CH- on the dogs. If you specials your dog, you can get the point towards the GrCH. You don't need to do anything extra. Now, if you want to get the title, and your dog is retired, you'll have to pay for the entries, handling, etc. That means that you want it and consider it a good thing, right?
Also, the AKC needs money as much as everybody else. If they go out of business, all of us are going to be affected. At least this time they are giving something for your money. I think it is a creative way to get the dogs in the ring again.

Re: Grand Champion

#1 Only champions of record are eligible for Gr Ch points. So Winners Dog and Winners Bitch are not eligible.

#2 The Best Of Breed (see above) winner will count all dogs/bitches defeated that day, all class dogs & bitches and all specials. If the total number reaches a major in either sex, then it will count as a "major" for the Gr Ch title, (3 majors are needed under 3 different judges)
#3 BOS (see #1) will count all of that sex as being defeated, including those from the classes and any specials. If the number adds up to a major of that sex, then that dog receives a "major" win to its credit.

#4 Select Dog & Select Bitch. (see #1) both must be champions. Each will receive the number of dogs or bitches defeated of the same sex, less the BOB and the BOS. If the numbers add up to a major in either sex, then those dogs will receive a "major" towards the required 3 majors and 25 points under 4 different judges.

Yes, it will change how dogs are specialed because there will be many more dogs now competing in Best Of Breed, diluting the breed points.

Re: Grand Champion

Has this already begun? When was the start date? Just wondering so I can start calculating for my Champion entry.

Re: Grand Champion

Starts May 12th

*One last item: Besides the 3 majors, 25 points, total of 4 different judges, they also must "defeat" and least 1 champion at 3 different shows, by either going BOB over specials or going Select over other specials of the same sex.

Talk about confusion for some of the old judges, new judges, whacky judges......not to mention the exhibitors

Re: Grand Champion

Is it true that clubs are not obligated to offer this, that it's up to the judges to decide? I would assume that clubs will have to print their premiums to let folks know if the Grand Champion stuff will be offered.

Re: Grand Champion

it is an AKC mandate ($$$$$), no options for the clubs

Re: Grand Champion

Is it true that clubs are not obligated to offer this, that it's up to the judges to decide? I would assume that clubs will have to print their premiums to let folks know if the Grand Champion stuff will be offered.

This is a portion of an email I received from AKC Communications department on January 28 detailing a club's responsibilities as they relate to the new Grand Champion award.....

On May 12, 2010 Grand Champion competition will be included in all shows offering BOB or BOV competition.
Premium lists - Other than prize listings, there is no requirement to address Grand Champion competition in the premium list since it is included in all shows that offer BOB or BOV. However, there is no restriction should superintendents and secretaries want to bring attention to the new competition.
Judging Schedule - No additional information is required.
Ribbons - BOB and BOS do not require an additional ribbon. Light blue & white ribbons for SD & SB. Flat ribbons or rosettes are equally acceptable. "Select" is acceptable wording however "Grand Champion Select" is acceptable and more descriptive.
Ring Markers - Just as with BOB, BOW and BOS, there is no AKC requirement to have SD and SB placement markers. These markers are provided as a service by the club or superintendent"

As I read it the only new responsibility of a show-giving club is to provide the two Select Dog/Bitch ribbons and make sure the judge knows which non-regular class winners in the ring for BOB are NOT champions since they can't be awarded the Select ribbon (perhaps from veteran, field, hunting/retriever). There may be some and the judge won't know which ones they are without being told. And if the steward advises the judge prior to judging BOB, will that affect the judge's final decisions? It seems this would also mean, at a specialty where we award AOM/JAM's, both a dog and a bitch may receive both a JAM and a Select ribbon. The folks running the shows are going to have to be sure the judge understands the new requirements. Miami Valley, on May 14 & 15, will be one of the first to award these ribbons. We can let y'all know if we run into any problems implementing the new procedure.

Re: Grand Champion

So the answer is May 12th that it will begin with the AKC tabulating the results and giving out the Certificates? Correct?

Re: Grand Champion

Yes, the AKC will start the process on May 12 at all AKC shows where BOB is offered.

There are many breeds that already have been offering "select" and Gr Ch's through their parent clubs at their National Specialties. There are breeds that tally the wins for BOS as Labradors have been doing for BOBs.

So, much of this will not be too new to some of the other breeds. The AKC has decided to join the money making bandwagon and offer it to all breeds at the All-Breed shows and through Specialties shows of all breeds.

From the talk of the grapevine, entries will more than triple in BOB as many will be bringing out champions in order to attain the Gr Champion title