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WLRC Heart Clinic

WLRC will be sponsoring a Heart Clinic (echo doppler) on Saturday, June 5th in Rockford, Illinois. The cost is $90 per dog. Please e-mail me if you are interested and I'll send you detailed info.

Re: WLRC Heart Clinic

Thats an amazing price for an echo!

Re: WLRC Heart Clinic

Any chance you could bump it to your specialty? I bet you'd get a lot more takers!

Re: WLRC Heart Clinic

Exactly what I was thinking!! I can't make the trip two weeks in a row...

Re: WLRC Heart Clinic

That was the original plan - unfortunately, that is the ONLY weekend the vet could not make it

Re: WLRC Heart Clinic

Who is the cardiologist doing it?

Re: WLRC Heart Clinic

Andrew P. Mills DVM

Re: WLRC Heart Clinic

Is he a cardiologist?

Re: WLRC Heart Clinic

He's the same vet that did the heart clinic at Hoosier LRC.

Re: WLRC Heart Clinic

Saw that he did those last month but just wondering if he was a cardioligist, specialist or just practictioner. Thanks