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pop ups at Potomac

Can pop ups be used if they are fireproofed? Fireproofing liquid can be purchased in a spray container and applied to the canopy very simply - this procedure passes fire code restrictions. Why would this not be acceptable? A flame test on the canopy will prove that the canopy is fireproofed.

Re: pop ups at Potomac

If you read the notice that is posted on the LRCP website, you will see why this is not feasible. I feel sorry for the the LRCP folks. They do a great job and the tent problems are not of their making. And sadly, some people will probably vent on them.

Re: pop ups at Potomac

Well, considering the pop-ups are used to protect dogs as well as people, the club might consider getting more tenting put up either at the end closest to the hotel, or opposite the main tent.

An alternative could be to sell tenting spots so the club CAN specify where temporary structures will be located. I'm sure people would pay $20 for a specified tent spot! I would

Re: pop ups at Potomac

Yes , amongst all of this bru-ha-ha about being wimps and standing out in the elements, somewhere along the line, the nay sayers missed the point about most of us put the tents up at our parking site to place expens UNDER them to shield our DOGS from the elements !

Re: pop ups at Potomac

Yes , amongst all of this bru-ha-ha about being wimps and standing out in the elements, somewhere along the line, the nay sayers missed the point about most of us put the tents up at our parking site to place expens UNDER them to shield our DOGS from the elements !

That's not the point. The club has no control over this. If you read Traci's post you would understand some of what the township is requiring of the LRCP to hold the show.

The LRCP sure didn't ask for this to happen.

Re: pop ups at Potomac

To protect my dogs at past shows, I put a tarp over the top of the x-pen or crate to protect my guys from the sun and or rain.
Pop-ups were not needed.
I will be doing the same at Potomac.
I will have my chair ringside and my raingear ready.
Let the fun begin!

Re: pop ups at Potomac

A tent you usually see used as a grooming tent at all breed shows costs around $7000. per day from MBF. To have it for four days? Even if they found room for it... Maybe they can put up a donation jar at the show for one.

Re: pop ups at Potomac

Don't know where you've gotten your pricing.. when I contacted MBF-inc for a tent & pricing, they told me that was up to the individual club to sub-contract. A standard grooming (pole) tent is 40 x 80 and is approx. $1500. Obviously there is some price disparity based on geographic location, but no where is it close to $7ooo.

Re: pop ups at Potomac

Before pop up tents were even in existance, we still had dog shows and our dogs survived. Do you have a vehicle you bring your dogs in? Then they are protected from the elements. Bring some shade clothes and tarps for your car.Some people complain about EVERYTHING... We should be grateful Potomac has a level dry area for rings, or people would be complaining about that to. Simply put by others, if it too much of a hassle to go to a show that doesn't have all of the ammenities you'd like to have, DON'T GO!!! We'd rather not have you there complaining.