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Potomac Entry Form unreadable

I didn't get a premium list for the Potomac show this year - no idea why - I've been going for years. Anyway, I went onto the LRCP website and downloaded the PDF file of the premium list and the entry form is illegible and unusable. Anyone have a link to a readable/usable entry form for the LRCP?

Also, for those of us who can't get to the show by 1 pm on Tuesday, which classes are going to be judged first? I won't bother entering my puppies if I can't be there - no sense wasting money.

Re: Potomac Entry Form unreadable

I noticed it also. The top of the entry page printed clear but halfway down and to the bottom it is distorted.
I didn't get a premium either and this will be my 23rd year of attending.

Re: Potomac Entry Form unreadable

MBF is the super you can go to infodog and download the premium list and entry form or enter on line there