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Puppy Vaginitis

Do you do anything for puppy vaginitis or let it run it's course. FYI - Puppy is finishing up a 3 week course of Clavamox for a UTI she had. I have had her on probiotics during the use of the Clavamox. I have a call into the vet, but would love to hear feedback here as well. Thanks!

Re: Puppy Vaginitis

Did you give the probiotic 2-3 hours away from the Clavamox? I would continue the prob. for 2-4 weeks after you finish the Clav. even if you gave it away from the meds initially.

Vaginitis is not an infection so antibiotic will not help (I have heard of some vets giving antib. for this). Going thru puberty/first heat usually puts a stop to puppy vaginitis.

Here is a link where Hutch gives advice.