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Does ACL surgery affect hips?

In a questioning mood today. :-)

Does having the ACL surgery plus the associated recovery period, including the dog putting more strain on the other side, affect the outcome of future hip x-rays?

Re: Does ACL surgery affect hips?

Had a bitch tear her acl when she was 12 months old. Had surgery after her first heat cycle (was crate rested until surgery) Did hips with ofa at the age of two she was an excellant. Did penn hip in the 90 percentile, Was very carefull with her recovery.

Re: Does ACL surgery affect hips?

I have a boy who prelim'd at 12 months "good", was rated "good" again at 25 months. Tore his ACL at 30 months, xray'd hips again, twice, one side looked terrible.
Never would have passed OFA again. Makes you wonder...

Re: Does ACL surgery affect hips?

I had a dog who tore both cruciates at the same time at 12 months. Had the dog prelimmed while being xrayed to diagnose what was wrong and came back good from OFA. Went through two seperate surgeries and dog fully recovered, did final OFA's at 2 and still came back a good.

Re: Does ACL surgery affect hips?

Good question Cathy! I wonder if the age of the dog when injured/recovering makes a difference???