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Onselling imported dogs

How do people feel about a dog they have bred and exported being sold to someone else after it was exported. I realize you should try to check out buyers but I have just seen on a persons webs site that another of their imported dogs ( from the USA) has been sold, This person has imported quite a number of dogs, ( all chocolate) as well as semen from a well known Black dog in the US. I know if I exported a dog I would be a little upset if the dog was then sold to someone else,JMO. After all the money spent to bring dogs into our Country just to flick them off to another breeder seems a little odd. My worry would be that the breeder that now has the dog/dogs was one that had been turned down by the original breeder and had got the dog they wanted by deception.

Re: Onselling imported dogs

I think I may know the dog concerned, Please email me privately & I will make some enquiries for you if I am on the right dog

Re: Onselling imported dogs

Is this the choc dog from the USA whose coat colour DNA test says he is bs bs .... what on earth is that?

Re: Onselling imported dogs

Is this the choc dog from the USA whose coat colour DNA test says he is bs bs .... what on earth is that?

It doesn't sound that way to me and if I don't know for sure I would never say anything.

Leave it to *O* to have the answer to everything living 1/2 of the way around the world from her. Even in private emails, that is spreading rumors. If you're not sure, keep your mouth shut. JMHO.

Re: Onselling imported dogs

Don't know if it is the same person, he has imported 2 from The USA and 2 from Canada, only has the 2 from Canada left, all chocolate, very odd.

Re: Onselling imported dogs

Let me understand. If someone imports a dog and that dog that was imported does not work out in the showing/breeding program, its not ok to place that dog? Are you serious? If we all kept dogs that didnt cut it we wouldnt have room to run on any pups being we are not suppose to place dogs we import.

Get a life, Jack!

Re: Onselling imported dogs

Are you serious? If we all kept dogs that didnt cut it we wouldnt have room to run on any pups being we are not suppose to place dogs we import.

What is happening has nothing to do with dogs washing out. It is dog brokering and it’s thriving at the moment.