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bitch in heat !!!

This is my 13 months old bitch first heat ,she's on her 6 day,it seem's and look like everything is fine.BUT she poops in her crate at night, she doesn't whine or barks and i've had to wash her almost evryday now as she sleeps in poop!!!This from a dog who stays far far away from poop !Should i feed her less?She usually eats 4 cups a day (2 morning 2 evening)This morning i only fed her 1 cup and will feed her one cup tonight and see how this goes .She's 83 popunds and fit and we have a show in a month ,i don't want her smelling like poo!!!!!
Thanks in advance for all your input!!!

Re: bitch in heat !!!

I'd be worried about her getting an infection from the pooh while she's in season. I had a girl come her for a breeding years ago. Before she got here she had her diaper on and poohed in it, her owners did get it off right away and washed her up but she still did get an infection. Luckily they brought her early on in her heat so we were able to clear up the infection before her breeding, she had a healthy litter of pups.

Re: bitch in heat !!!

Yes ,that's why i wipe her with baby wipes everyday but when there's to much poo i wash her with murphy's soap .Her pooping area is cleaned twice a day and her crate always before she goes in at night.During the day when not outside she's in her ex-pen with toys!!

Re: bitch in heat !!!

Hi~ When bitches are in season and you aren't breeding them, it is wise to lower their food intake during this time.

As an aside, sounds like her tummy is upset right now since you are saying this isn't normal for her. If she's getting that messy, then her poos sound quite loose. I would address that like you would any dog having intestinal upset.

Re: bitch in heat !!!

It is not abnormal for tummies to be upset with hormonal change. Are you feeding early enough in the evening? (No later than 5 pm if possible), then let out frequently until 11 pm. She'll have nothing left to go in crate. It will pass when she's out of heat/bred. I have a girl whose stools get very loose/frequent when in season.

All the best!

Re: bitch in heat !!!

Thanks so much everyone !
Yes i can tell her tummy is upset and i started to lower her food intake.She is fed at the latest 5h30 p.m but it's usually around 4h30 and 22h00 is the latest we take her out.Any thing i can give her for her tummy??

Re: bitch in heat !!!

I have had this also with one of my bitch. When in heat she pooped in her crate couple of times and that is not normal for her.
When dogs have upset stomach it is good to skip feeding them for one day and than start to feed them chicken or rice as that is good for their stomach. Than add their food to it slowly.
Always be sure that they can get to clean water at all times.

Re: bitch in heat !!!

You need to feed her later, like 7:00 - 8:00 pm, make sure she gets out soon after to poop, and I guarantee you she will not soil her crate during the night.
A friend asked me what she could do with her puppy to prevent her from pooping in her crate, and said she was feeding her last meal at 3:30 pm. So she pooped at 3:45 pm and my friend was expecting her to not poop again (or eat again) until 6:30 am the next day. Not realistic.
The closer to her bedtime you can get her to poop, the better, because her colon will be empty. And what usually triggers a dog to poop? A meal, and some light exercise! If you feel her at 7:00 pm and walk her, she will poop outside and should not poop in her crate. A bland diet would help, also.