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West Palm Beach results?

Any West Palm Beach results?

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Sorry didn't see the females

Re: West Palm Beach results?

WD on Sunday: Van Dalen Showden top gun.
Congratulations to Karen Gjertsen

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Congratulations to Laura Van Dalen for Van Dalen Show Den's Top Gun going winners dog today.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Congratulations to those involved with Chambray's Stella's desire for going WB both days.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Shame on whoever you are by the way. Didnt see the bitches. How convenient. You saw the dogs go in and BOB, but missed everything in between. Sure.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Shame on whoever you are by the way. Didnt see the bitches. How convenient. You saw the dogs go in and BOB, but missed everything in between. Sure.

Oh pleezeee, "shame on you"? Who are you to say who was watching what? Get a grip. Did you ever think the breeder that posted the results did not have a bitch in the competition? Read the catalog the majority of the bitches were all from the same breeder.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

And who knows what else this person had on their plate at the show during this time. Getting ready for breed maybe? Grabbing a quick bite before breed.... millions of things!

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Let sleeping dogs lay.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

South FL has been quiet for a while. The world is a better world now, so let's keep it like that.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Along with the sleeping dogs.........let the loonies stay in their bins.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

You have a better chance of a camel fitting through the eye of a needle than to keep the loonies away.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Replying to: Read the catalog the majority of the bitches were all from the same breeder.

Just a little research through that same catalog that you mentioned up above, with very interesting facts!

Out of the 20 bitches entered there were a total of 13 individual primary breeders of record!

Here is the breakdown of primary breeders of record for those 20 bitches that were entered.

1 from Belquest Labradors,
1 from Featherdown Labradors,
1 from Surfside Labradors
1 from Marion Haesakker of Cincinnati.
1 from Maki Nieto
6 from WinQuest Labradors (Geraldo Desouza)
2 from Jessie & Johanna Herzon
2 from Dave Baxter & Debra Richmond
1 from Jennifer Shake
1 from Andrea & Sarah Baker of Connecticut
1 from Mike Gibbs
1 from Neil Wasserman and Faith Banklayder
1 from Wanda Simmons and Courtney Keller

The bitch that was not being mentioned wins Winners Bitch on Saturday then goes WB & Best Of Winners on Sunday over males from the following breeders:
Van Dalens, Shenandoahs, Tecate, Cornerstone, Brighton, TOF, Rosewater, Signal Hill, Laffittes, Kerrybrook and WinQuest!

You go figure what the whining is all about!

Re: West Palm Beach results?

That's okay - he can win his points down there - but will he show up at Potomac and play with the big boys and girls???

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Replying to: Read the catalog the majority of the bitches were all from the same breeder.

Just a little research through that same catalog that you mentioned up above, with very interesting facts!

Out of the 20 bitches entered there were a total of 13 individual primary breeders of record!

Here is the breakdown of primary breeders of record for those 20 bitches that were entered.

1 from Belquest Labradors,
1 from Featherdown Labradors,
1 from Surfside Labradors
1 from Marion Haesakker of Cincinnati.
1 from Maki Nieto
6 from WinQuest Labradors (Geraldo Desouza)
2 from Jessie & Johanna Herzon
2 from Dave Baxter & Debra Richmond
1 from Jennifer Shake
1 from Andrea & Sarah Baker of Connecticut
1 from Mike Gibbs
1 from Neil Wasserman and Faith Banklayder
1 from Wanda Simmons and Courtney Keller

The bitch that was not being mentioned wins Winners Bitch on Saturday then goes WB & Best Of Winners on Sunday over males from the following breeders:
Van Dalens, Shenandoahs, Tecate, Cornerstone, Brighton, TOF, Rosewater, Signal Hill, Laffittes, Kerrybrook and WinQuest!

You go figure what the whining is all about!

As far as I'm concerned, the whining came from the person that posted: Congratulations to those involved with Chambray's Stella's desire for going WB both days.

Researcher, you are right. Most bitches didn't come from the same breeder. They came from the same broker.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Researcher, research better:
The bitch that was not being mentioned wins Winners Bitch on Saturday then goes WB & Best Of Winners on Sunday over males from the following breeders:
Van Dalens, Shenandoahs, Tecate, Cornerstone, Brighton, TOF, Rosewater, Signal Hill, Laffittes, Kerrybrook and WinQuest!

The WB was the only bitch out there at Breed time both days of the show . It would have been downright sad if she could not have gone OS over herself. You have some homework to do. Had your bitch gone Breed over the male specials, then you might have something to mention. You've got nothing other than a red and white ribbon without competition. Welcome to dog shows! Holy crap have you got a lot to learn! Be happy with your points! Have a glass of wine and enjoy!

Re: West Palm Beach results?

To Kim:

Looks like you had too much wine before you read the statement made!

Re-read that statements made! There was no mention of Best Of Opposite sex!

The statement made was that the bitch went Best Of Winners over the male on Sunday. What that means since you don't get it is that she essentially beat all the males from the classes on Sunday, thus BEST OF WINNERS!

Re: West Palm Beach results?

so what is the point, you think that you know what it takes to be a whinner, you are very good at that!!

Re: West Palm Beach results?

buy another dog

Re: West Palm Beach results?

okay, how many dogs have you brought to a show that made that show a major. what do you think it would take to make that happen if it wasn't for this breeder. WAKE UP!!!!!

Re: West Palm Beach results?

what? Three dogs and you got a major? Let us know when you come down here, and we will love every minute of it when you loss to one of his dogs. Talk is something that has little meaning until you can prove it,so bring it on!!!!!!

Re: West Palm Beach results?

When are you coming to Florida? What? You have a thing about travel and cost. We would love for you come down here and bring your doggie to show US what it's all about. NOT! You statement is so funny about the this show and you probably won't even make it past the first day. LOL

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Figures it would come to this. Twist it however you like. Fact is 16 bitches out of an entry of 20 all the same kennel name. I think if this breeder did not win with loading up the shows like he does then it would be very sad. If you have to create the wins and win against your own dogs to feel good about yourself and your breeding program then so be it. Oh and breeder of record, ha ha that is a good one.

You are right no one is complaining bring out all the dogs so we can win all the points because we all know how easy it is to win in the florida shows.

The dog that went winners dog on Sunday won out of the 9-12 month puppy class. nuff said.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Just take your wins and be happy. This breeder always has something to prove. Let him get his winners bitch, if he doesn't he cries and complains to the AKC rep. There is no consistancy there so final product is working against himself.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

You still have not answered the question, where were you? What does it take to make a major and who cares who owns the dogs? The truth of the matter is, he is supporting all of the clubs. How many of you wise guys would have finished you dogs if it wasn't for breeders that promote showing of their Labradors. We should all thank them no matter who the breeder is.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Dumber is Dumber
When are you coming to Florida? What? You have a thing about travel and cost. We would love for you come down here and bring your doggie to show US what it's all about. NOT! You statement is so funny about the this show and you probably won't even make it past the first day. LOL

I have gone to Florida and won many times. Don't have any problem with travel. I'll continue to bring my nice dogs and win.
Thanks for the invitation

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Dumber is Dumber if you think florida is the only state where there are majors in Labradors or where Labradors finish you need to get out more. In fact, why not go to a labrador specialty and see what it is really like out there. How come we did not see any of you at the January florida circuit? Many labradors finish there every year winning majors.

Take your dog out of florida and show it and tell me how you do. It is very easy to stay isolated in your own little world and think you are big and important. When you go out and see what the top breeders are producing maybe then you will WAKE UP. Until then stay quiet.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

No one said that Florida was the only state with majors,(small brain). What I said was if it wasn't for breeders bringing out their dogs no matter who the breeder is we wouldn't have many majors. Freedom of the press not keep quite as you so put it. Try to be as perfect as you think your dogs are, we know that it will be very hard for you to change your spots.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

I did not read anywhere in this post where anyone was saying not to bring out the dogs. So what you are really saying is that the only thing this breeder is good for is to load up the shows.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

your so funny

Re: West Palm Beach results?

It is "you're" as in you are. Small brain?

Re: West Palm Beach results?


Researcher, you are right. Most bitches didn't come from the same breeder. They came from the same broker.

Ouch!!! A broker is like a sales person who makes money by selling dogs from this "kennel"?, what breeder in thwe world would use a broker to sell his/her dogs???????????????

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Ouch!!! A broker is like a sales person who makes money by selling dogs from this "kennel"?, what breeder in thwe world would use a broker to sell his/her dogs???????????????[/quote]
Actually that is excactly the service that is provided to us as co-owners and co-breeders. Our mentor, will either take the litter and sell them for us and give us our share of the profits or find buyers, send the buyers to us and then we share the profit. Works for everyone. Yes the "broker" makes money from the transaction but we like it that way

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Breeding Labradors for the betterment of the breed is not meant to be a profitable business for all to mass produced litters to make money.

Show breeders do not breed with these practices in mind, to make profit. Show breeders breed to improve their lines, run on a few from their litters and continue on to improve.

I am glad you are all happy.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

That's okay - he can win his points down there - but will he show up at Potomac and play with the big boys and girls???

Well, first of all - I'm not from "down there", just to get that out of the way.

Secondly, that's the stupidest, most elitist comment I've heard lately. There will be 200 +/- "big boys" at Potomac. One will win. Does it follow that the rest of the entries can't "play with the big boys and girls???"

Get a freaking life - you are probably one of those East Coast elitists that believe "if you haven't grah-duated from East of the Delaware... you haven't grah-duated..." What a load of crap.

Re: West Palm Beach results?


Show breeders do not breed with these practices in mind, to make profit.

Well, any show breeder who deducts their kennel from their income taxes (and there are plenty who do) must show the IRS that they are in it with the intention of making a profit (whether they actually do, or not). Otherwise, their deductions can only be taken to the extent of income - any loss will be disallowed.

You can look it up...

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Ive never had a mentor "share" the profits of the litters. Doubt he helps share the losses.

My mentors have never charged me to send a puppy buyer my way. Why dont you find your own buyers and if there is any "profit", put that into handling or spend it on your dogs. Otherwise its like a pyramid. How does your "co-ownership" work? how much profit does the broker get?

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Tired of this...

Show breeders do not breed with these practices in mind, to make profit.

Well, any show breeder who deducts their kennel from their income taxes (and there are plenty who do) must show the IRS that they are in it with the intention of making a profit (whether they actually do, or not). Otherwise, their deductions can only be taken to the extent of income - any loss will be disallowed.

You can look it up...

That is on paper to the government. It has nothing to do with the true passion a show breeder has for the breed. Which is not mass production for profit. Face it this guy is in it purely for the money.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Tired of this...
That's okay - he can win his points down there - but will he show up at Potomac and play with the big boys and girls???

Well, first of all - I'm not from "down there", just to get that out of the way.

Secondly, that's the stupidest, most elitist comment I've heard lately. There will be 200 +/- "big boys" at Potomac. One will win. Does it follow that the rest of the entries can't "play with the big boys and girls???"

Get a freaking life - you are probably one of those East Coast elitists that believe "if you haven't grah-duated from East of the Delaware... you haven't grah-duated..." What a load of crap.

Haha - sorry, I'm from California! And I go to Potomac (and win classes and more). That's playing with the big boys. Sorry to be elitist, but Potomac is where the best of the best go!

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Here is the deal:

I make money when I sell you the puppy for top $$$.
I make money when I charge you for the training and handling.
I make money when I decide to breed your bitch to -mostly- my own stud.
I make money when I sell your puppies.
I'm happy when I make money.

You pay for the puppy.
You pay for vet bills.
you pay for training, handling and entries.
You might or might not -mostly not- get a decent looking dog.
You are sad when your bitch only wins over her own sisters.
You are sad when your boy never wins.
You pay for the stud service.
you risk the life of your bitch.
you get all the work of raising the litter.
you get some money for the puppies.
You will be excused from the clan if you do not follow protocol.

and you are all happy?!?!?!?!

B R A I N W A S H !!!!!!

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Not to mention all the puppies owed back to the breeder for him giving you the wonderful opportunity to take it in the rear.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Yep - what PT Barnum said - "there's a sucker born every minute"...

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Do you even know what "best of winners" means? You refer to winner's bitch being best of winners. That means that of the two winners (WD & WB), the bitch was judged the best. She did not compete with the other dogs (dogs are males in case you were confused). She beat one dog, period! And by the way genius, the Kerrybrook dog was absent - that's what the "A" signifies on the results page.

As for your reseach, don't quit your day job anytime soon. Despite all the "breeders of record" you refer to, many are Chambray "partners".

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Sounds like you enjoy the Kool-aid!

Re: West Palm Beach results?

I guess the Davie results are going to be as informative as these ones.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

The Davie results will be just as informative because the same breeder has the same 20 bitches entered in those shows.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Do you know how to read the results page??
Do you even know what "best of winners" means? You refer to winner's bitch being best of winners. That means that of the two winners (WD & WB), the bitch was judged the best. She did not compete with the other dogs (dogs are males in case you were confused). She beat one dog, period! And by the way genius, the Kerrybrook dog was absent - that's what the "A" signifies on the results page.

As for your reseach, don't quit your day job anytime soon. Despite all the "breeders of record" you refer to, many are Chambray "partners".

All are Chambray "partners".

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Do you know how to read the results page??
Do you even know what "best of winners" means? You refer to winner's bitch being best of winners. That means that of the two winners (WD & WB), the bitch was judged the best. She did not compete with the other dogs (dogs are males in case you were confused). She beat one dog, period!

If the WB beats one dog (WD) and that dog already beat all the other dogs then it means she beat all the dogs... Try thinking before you post.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

wow twice!
Here is the deal:

I make money when I sell you the puppy for top $$$.
I make money when I charge you for the training and handling.
I make money when I decide to breed your bitch to -mostly- my own stud.
I make money when I sell your puppies.
I'm happy when I make money.

You pay for the puppy.
You pay for vet bills.
you pay for training, handling and entries.
You might or might not -mostly not- get a decent looking dog.
You are sad when your bitch only wins over her own sisters.
You are sad when your boy never wins.
You pay for the stud service.
you risk the life of your bitch.
you get all the work of raising the litter.
you get some money for the puppies.
You will be excused from the clan if you do not follow protocol.

and you are all happy?!?!?!?!

B R A I N W A S H !!!!!!


Re: West Palm Beach results?

Do you know how to read the results page??
Do you even know what "best of winners" means? You refer to winner's bitch being best of winners. That means that of the two winners (WD & WB), the bitch was judged the best. She did not compete with the other dogs (dogs are males in case you were confused). She beat one dog, period!

If the WB beats one dog and that dog already beat all the other dogs then it means she beat all the dogs... Try thinking before you post.

It seems that most of this is centered around the bitch going BOW on Sunday and not a lot about the bitch going WB on Sat. I detect the breeder of the bitch is trying to prove something about winning over the puppy on Sunday. Maybe he is jealous of someone or someone's "new show puppy" that he did not breed and has nothing to do with.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

wow twice!
Here is the deal:

I make money when I sell you the puppy for top $$$.
I make money when I charge you for the training and handling.
I make money when I decide to breed your bitch to -mostly- my own stud.
I make money when I sell your puppies.
I'm happy when I make money.

You pay for the puppy.
You pay for vet bills.
you pay for training, handling and entries.
You might or might not -mostly not- get a decent looking dog.
You are sad when your bitch only wins over her own sisters.
You are sad when your boy never wins.
You pay for the stud service.
you risk the life of your bitch.
you get all the work of raising the litter.
you get some money for the puppies.
You will be excused from the clan if you do not follow protocol.

and you are all happy?!?!?!?!

B R A I N W A S H !!!!!!

So it didn't work out for you, and of course you blame him. Sounds like you didn't put much into it... Anyway, for all the bashing that this breeder is taking at least he is a breeder instead of just buying other people's dogs.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Other breeders dogs that win.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

[/quote]"It seems that most of this is centered around the bitch going BOW on Sunday and not a lot about the bitch going WB on Sat. I detect the breeder of the bitch is trying to prove something about winning over the puppy on Sunday. Maybe he is jealous of someone or someone's "new show puppy" that he did not breed and has nothing to do with."[/quote]

I don't know, it's not me, I'm just trying to interject some reality here. I see one guy taking a beating and some of the things being said are ridiculous.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

oh boy
Other breeders dogs that win.

And congratulations for that!

Re: West Palm Beach results?

I think he brought this upon himself when he called out all of those breeders he listed bragging how his bitch beat them.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

actually he is the breeder of the puppy's mother

Re: West Palm Beach results?

wow twice!
Here is the deal:

I make money when I sell you the puppy for top $$$.
I make money when I charge you for the training and handling.
I make money when I decide to breed your bitch to -mostly- my own stud.
I make money when I sell your puppies.
I'm happy when I make money.

You pay for the puppy.
You pay for vet bills.
you pay for training, handling and entries.
You might or might not -mostly not- get a decent looking dog.
You are sad when your bitch only wins over her own sisters.
You are sad when your boy never wins.
You pay for the stud service.
you risk the life of your bitch.
you get all the work of raising the litter.
you get some money for the puppies.
You will be excused from the clan if you do not follow protocol.

and you are all happy?!?!?!?!

B R A I N W A S H !!!!!!

So it didn't work out for you, and of course you blame him. Sounds like you didn't put much into it... Anyway, for all the bashing that this breeder is taking at least he is a breeder instead of just buying other people's dogs.

First, I did not write this. I know he tells all of you it is me, but this breeder burned many bridges before I ever came along.

To comment on "not putting much into it", who in the last 3 years that left his program has the AKC Champion dog? In fact who has the dog that has more titles before his name in all of this breeders history? You can say I turned water into wine.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

actually he is the breeder of the puppy's mother

Show me the breeder of record of this puppy's mother. Sour Grapes

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Okay, whatever. Congratulations to ALL the winners and for everyone else with an agenda - get a life...

Re: West Palm Beach results?

"The 1 they love to hate"

BTW, I don't know that anyone hates you. Frankly, from the outside the whole thing looks silly - "the breeder" bred your champion dog and your lovely puppy's mother. But they are your dogs now and congratulations is due to you for their success. I don't think either you or "the breeder" are behind the more bizarre posts on this thread. It must be a tribe of loonies that live under rocks and only come out for threads like these...

Tommy is a great looking pup!

Re: West Palm Beach results?

A little of good sportsmanship wouldn't hurt. I'll pay back.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

"The 1 they love to hate"

BTW, I don't know that anyone hates you. Frankly, from the outside the whole thing looks silly - "the breeder" bred your champion dog and your lovely puppy's mother. But they are your dogs now and congratulations is due to you for their success. I don't think either you or "the breeder" are behind the more bizarre posts on this thread. It must be a tribe of loonies that live under rocks and only come out for threads like these...

Tommy is a great looking pup!

After you trashed, me, my puppy and my puppy’s breeder on the “My New Show Puppy” thread that you started on this forum about 8 months ago, you now want to be recognized for breeding this puppy’s mother?

Thank you for the congratulations on my champion dog that you bred. It is nice how you can congratulate me publicly for all to see, yet you could never congratulate me directly when Rocky would win or when he wins now. In fact, the crowd is silenced when this dog wins. Which if you think anything looks silly it is that. Doesn’t your clan realize you are Rocky’s breeder? If they are so in love with you, then why don’t they clap for the dog you bred? Didn’t you tell them that by them not being happy for his wins they are discrediting you as his breeder? Or maybe through all of your bashing me you forgot to mention that.

No, no hate there.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

"The 1 they love to hate"

BTW, I don't know that anyone hates you. Frankly, from the outside the whole thing looks silly - "the breeder" bred your champion dog and your lovely puppy's mother. But they are your dogs now and congratulations is due to you for their success. I don't think either you or "the breeder" are behind the more bizarre posts on this thread. It must be a tribe of loonies that live under rocks and only come out for threads like these...

Tommy is a great looking pup!

After you trashed, me, my puppy and my puppy’s breeder on the “My New Show Puppy” thread that you started on this forum about 8 months ago, you now want to be recognized for breeding this puppy’s mother?

Thank you for the congratulations on my champion dog that you bred. It is nice how you can congratulate me publicly for all to see, yet you could never congratulate me directly when Rocky would win or when he wins now. In fact, the crowd is silenced when this dog wins. Which if you think anything looks silly it is that. Doesn’t your clan realize you are Rocky’s breeder? If they are so in love with you, then why don’t they clap for the dog you bred? Didn’t you tell them that by them not being happy for his wins they are discrediting you as his breeder? Or maybe through all of your bashing me you forgot to mention that.

No, no hate there.

Sorry, you have the wrong person. I am not the breeder in question, just an observer... But I am pretty sure that I have seen him congratulate Rocky for wins on his site. Anyway, I'll take my nose out of other people's business...

Re: West Palm Beach results?

From reading these posts, I think that there are several people playing games back and forth here to start trouble between others! Listen up, nothing any one does or says will change an iota
so all of you go out and play with your dogs, they will love you for it.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Yes, you should try thinking before you post. AKC has some great publications that explain this - please go to their site and educate yourself. Best of winners is a competition between 2 and only two dogs. Best of winners does not men you beat all the others - just the ONE competed against!

Re: West Palm Beach results?

I can't imagine any reputable breeder that would sell him anything other than a pet quality dog.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

And who is this heavily titled wino you refer to?? Is anyone using this stud?

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Wrong again!

Re: West Palm Beach results?

At this point I don't think anyone knows who they are talking to or about so why don't we just hang it up?

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Get over it already!

Re: West Palm Beach results?

You make a PROFIT when you sell your litters, or BROKER them, as you say????
Wow. I'm in the wrong business. I better hang up my daytime job hat and put on the puppy mill hat!!!

S. Miami
Ouch!!! A broker is like a sales person who makes money by selling dogs from this "kennel"?, what breeder in thwe world would use a broker to sell his/her dogs???????????????

Actually that is excactly the service that is provided to us as co-owners and co-breeders. Our mentor, will either take the litter and sell them for us and give us our share of the profits or find buyers, send the buyers to us and then we share the profit. Works for everyone. Yes the "broker" makes money from the transaction but we like it that way[/quote]

Re: West Palm Beach results?

And you obviously have never been to Potomac or read the catalog since 200 is a SMALL specialty entry and Potomac brings in 1000+!!!!
Get a clue!

Tired of this...
That's okay - he can win his points down there - but will he show up at Potomac and play with the big boys and girls???

Well, first of all - I'm not from "down there", just to get that out of the way.

Secondly, that's the stupidest, most elitist comment I've heard lately. There will be 200 +/- "big boys" at Potomac. One will win. Does it follow that the rest of the entries can't "play with the big boys and girls???"

Get a freaking life - you are probably one of those East Coast elitists that believe "if you haven't grah-duated from East of the Delaware... you haven't grah-duated..." What a load of crap.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

You want this breeder to congratulate you on your wins, how many times have you done that for others. Did you congratulate the winner's bitch owner on Saturday or Sunday? Play nice and you won't get the type of treatment you are receiving. We all love Rocky, it's the owner that needs some training.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

I stopped congratulating the others when they quit congratuling me. You get what you give. Yes, I did congratulate the bitch owner's wife for the wins and I have congratuled the others many times before until it just became pointless to keep it up when it was not returned. BYW the bitch owner did not congratulate me either.

I am not the only one that notices this all outsiders see it and they think it is ridiculous. And no thank you, I don't need the congratulations from any of you, I was just making a point. I am happy enough for my dogs when they win so it does not matter what any of you think. I am satisfied with where things are going with my dogs so don't bother trying to be a good sport now.

As for getting the treatment I receive, anyone who leaves that breeder and his clan gets the same treatment. You either have to do things his way or you are labeled the enemy. It has been going on for years I am certainly not the first. Now I am done with this thread. I have nothing to prove to any of you and certainly not to this breeder in question.

Re: West Palm Beach results?

Good thing, "him" got to retire soon. Hopefully his heir will be more social and will accept cheerfully others in their territory. "Him" is the disgrace of the breed, and only accepted by the people of his kingdom.
The princess should take over. It has turn out to be too much for an old man.
There is a whole wonderful world out there.