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Diamond Dog Food breeder discount??

Does anyone know of a way to get a breeder discount on Diamond food? I called the company and they don't offer one but I was hoping that maybe someone had information on a store that might offer something like they do with Eagle Pack at some places?
I called a few distributors and their prices are only about $2 less than the store price plus you have to buy $400 each time you order. I don't have enough dogs to warrant keeping that amount of food around.

Re: Diamond Dog Food breeder discount??

Does anyone know of a way to get a breeder discount on Diamond food? I called the company and they don't offer one but I was hoping that maybe someone had information on a store that might offer something like they do with Eagle Pack at some places?
I called a few distributors and their prices are only about $2 less than the store price plus you have to buy $400 each time you order. I don't have enough dogs to warrant keeping that amount of food around.

When my dogs ate Diamond, that was the only way I recieved a discount. I had to purchase a certain amount and recieved a discount per bag.

I changed food b/c I also didn't have enough dogs to warrant that much food. The last straw was mice got into a bag in my laundry area, eww!

It seems as if it's up to each distributor but that's the only discount I heard of with Diamond. I now buy Kirkland C&R as needed which works well for me. I like the ingredients better and pay around $24 per 40# bag. It's cheaper then the Diamond C&R was, my dogs poops are smaller, their coats are better and they love the food. Problem solved. The price and the food is better.

Re: Diamond Dog Food breeder discount??

Can't help with the breeder club, but is there anybody around you that would go in on an order with you?

Re: Diamond Dog Food breeder discount??

tractor supply will give you discount if you order in bulk.
each one does something different, but it is usaully on a few dollars.

when you compare the price of Diamond $25-$30 for 40 lbs compared to Pro Plan at $40-$50 for 35 lbs the $7.00 coupons dont look so hot anymore

Re: Diamond Dog Food breeder discount??

And check around because soon Diamond will have 44lbs bags available in chic/rice. Currently the l/r have 44lb bags. You cannot beat that price! Who needs the $7 check or breeder program. I am already saving a ton by not feeding PP and I think the quality is better.

Re: Diamond Dog Food breeder discount??

my solution
Does anyone know of a way to get a breeder discount on Diamond food? I called the company and they don't offer one but I was hoping that maybe someone had information on a store that might offer something like they do with Eagle Pack at some places?
I called a few distributors and their prices are only about $2 less than the store price plus you have to buy $400 each time you order. I don't have enough dogs to warrant keeping that amount of food around.

When my dogs ate Diamond, that was the only way I recieved a discount. I had to purchase a certain amount and recieved a discount per bag.

I changed food b/c I also didn't have enough dogs to warrant that much food. The last straw was mice got into a bag in my laundry area, eww!

It seems as if it's up to each distributor but that's the only discount I heard of with Diamond. I now buy Kirkland C&R as needed which works well for me. I like the ingredients better and pay around $24 per 40# bag. It's cheaper then the Diamond C&R was, my dogs poops are smaller, their coats are better and they love the food. Problem solved. The price and the food is better.

Funny cause Diamond and Kirkland are the same food.

Re: Diamond Dog Food breeder discount??


Funny cause Diamond and Kirkland are the same food.

Dear *duh*

Not all Diamond and Kirkland food types are the same, just like the Science Diet you use.

Re: Diamond Dog Food breeder discount??


Funny cause Diamond and Kirkland are the same food.

I fed both Kirkland and Diamond, and I there was a big difference on the results I got.
On the Kirkland food, my dogs started to loose weight, got loose stools and their coats went down hill fast. When I switched to Diamond -performance I think-, I saw a BIG improvement. I had to feed less, stools were back to normal, and their coats got really nice.
After a few months in Diamond (liking it), I went back to Pro Plan, but this time the performance formula. I feel more comfortable with Purina as a company, and the price is not that bad with the pro club thing.
Anyway, the same company can have different qualities to meet certain "production costs". Not all Purina foods are worth it, same applies to Diamond and most dog food brands.

Re: Diamond Dog Food breeder discount??


Funny cause Diamond and Kirkland are the same food.

I fed both Kirkland and Diamond, and I there was a big difference on the results I got.
On the Kirkland food, my dogs started to loose weight, got loose stools and their coats went down hill fast. When I switched to Diamond -performance I think-, I saw a BIG improvement. I had to feed less, stools were back to normal, and their coats got really nice.
After a few months in Diamond (liking it), I went back to Pro Plan, but this time the performance formula. I feel more comfortable with Purina as a company, and the price is not that bad with the pro club thing.
Anyway, the same company can have different qualities to meet certain "production costs". Not all Purina foods are worth it, same applies to Diamond and most dog food brands.

Ignoring the *duh* comment.

I had the opposite reaction going from Diamond to Kirkland. The corn filler was the only reason I could find. Kirkland didn't have it and Diamond did at the time.

Each of our dogs are different. What my dogs might do well on, yours might not.

I'm very happy with Kirkland and was with Diamond until they made changes. My dogs do well on Kirkland, someone elses might do well on Purina Dog Chow. (I'm not a Purina fan after what they've done in the past year changing formulas and making shredded food).

It's best to buy 1 bag or a smaller bag if trying out a food. Some of your dogs may do well on it, others may not.

Diamond had a special many years ago, 50# bags for the price of 40#. That was exciting and I bought them for over a year. When they went back to the 40# bag I noticed a change and there was a major change.

There are no checks but if you speak to a feed farm or retailer, they usually will give you a break in volume.

Re: Diamond Dog Food breeder discount??

TSC and our local feed mill are 1 mile apart from each other, but the feed mill is $2 cheaper a bag for Diamond C&R. Downside is I have to order ahead if I want more than 2 bags and they close p 5. Check around on Diamond prices.

Re: Diamond Dog Food breeder discount??

I am sure the mice did not come from Diamond.

Re: Diamond Dog Food breeder discount??

We switched to Eagle pack. They make their own food only.