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Be prepared for possible Ticks at Potomac

For all of you people coming to Potomac, please be prepared for ticks. The ticks are hiding here in the south! It doesn't get cold enough to kill the ticks in the winter. I pulled one off of my ear the other night.

Re: Be prepared for possible Ticks at Potomac

What is our best defense in fighting them? Should we put something on the dogs before we come to the show, or during, or after? We have not had to treat for these much.
Can you recommend the best brand?

Re: Be prepared for possible Ticks at Potomac


Please be careful. A friend of mine got Lymes and she was VERY ill for a long time. If you have the slightest symptom, don't ignore it! Maybe get tested either way.


Re: Be prepared for possible Ticks at Potomac

We have major tick problems in Manitoba. A friend of mine lives in the country and can take 10-12 ticks a day off of her dogs. She started giving them apple cider vinegar in their food (you can get it in pill form) and she may find a few over the course of the summer on her dogs. This is not a 100% answer but it is a safe way to protect your dogs.

Re: Be prepared for possible Ticks at Potomac

I can only speak for myself.Because I live down here I use a monthly preventative. Some people don't do anything more than just go over their dogs to look for them, some people may use a spot on treatment. It is all preferance. I just wanted to mention the possibility of there being ticks, because I know if you live cold you may not be thinking about it!

Re: Be prepared for possible Ticks at Potomac

Like Anne I now live in VA, and the ticks/fleas are year-round. If you do not want to use a topical like Frontline/Advantage you might want to consider using Absorbine UltraShield. It is a spray I used for horses that lasts 17 days and kills/repels fleas and ticks.

Re: Be prepared for possible Ticks at Potomac

Has anyone had any problems using Frontline? Does it do any damage to the coat in the area of application?