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More PETA antics?

I just received this email tonight, not sure if the claims are accurate, but if it is, let this be a wake up call for all of us who love the sport/hobby of purebred dogs:

Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 3:30 PM
Subject: Franklin,TN shows

*******permission to cross post*****

Heads up everyone - especially folks going to the Louisville,KY shows

I was at the Franklin,TN shows this weekend - just got home a few hours
the points below were related to me either by the witness or the show
- whom I know. So this is legit and all I know at this point

1. it was a good friend of mine who was set up with me and a few other
Berner folks who saw the two people letting a golden out of his crate -
fortunately the owner of the golden was coming back down the aisle -
yelled - the dog hit the floor- the people vanished - Later it was attempted
again in another part of the building but did not succeed. The sheriffs caught
one of the people but not the other, -

2. Ground/chopped windshield safety glass was thrown around some of the
rings and had to be cleaned up - it is a dirt floor so it got slightly
imbedded but did not harm any dogs before it was removed.

3. Someone got into a large area of grooming on the floor of the building
either early one morning or late at night and threw equipment and tools
all over the place - making it a mess and difficult if not impossible to find
your stuff.

4. A woman with a PETA t-shirt was twice escorted from the building -
causing a ruckus as she did so -

5. They locked all but one door to the building 30 minutes after BIS on
Saturday night and had sheriffs there =

the KC's giving the shows were very concerned and careful and all of us in
the grooming setups worked together to watch dogs and situations. It was
kinda scary - these folks are crazy but determined
There were sheriffs everywhere by the end of the show

Be very careful -
Best to all
Murray Johnston
Briarcliff Bernese

Re: More PETA antics?

Why doesn't someone contact the board at PETA and advise them of whats going on.
The harm they are trying to cause the dogs, isn't this a org. that wants animals treated correctly and not harmed.

Re: More PETA antics?

Why doesn't someone contact the board at PETA and advise them of whats going on.
The harm they are trying to cause the dogs, isn't this a org. that wants animals treated correctly and not harmed.

Plain and simple, these people DO NOT care about the domestic dog! It's not difficult to figure out by their alarming statistics regarding the numbers of dogs they kill every year! That's right they kill perfectly healthy dogs that were entrusted to them in hopes they'd be able to shelter them and find good homes for them. But in a lot of cases they kill these dogs within hours. Their explaination? It's better to kill them and put them out of their misery than allow them to live their lives in a kennel until they can find a good home. They are horrified that show dogs are crated. They feel they should all run free, regardless of the fact they are domesticated animals. So they feel it is better the dogs are dead then be crated.

Check out these links:!/pages/Nationwide/Anti-PETA/51664228725?ref=ts