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I have been training my Labs Rally.. I plan to enter in the next couple of months as a Novice. We are familiar with all the Novice excercises. Just CURIOUS.. Can any experienced Rally Titled Particiapnts tell me the most popular excercises Judges usually request? In a Novice Ring?

Re: Rally

I have been doing Rally for 4 years and have titled 2 RE dogs one RA and one RN (currently working on her RA). I really cannot say that there are any exercises that are more popular than others. The spirals are fun (and dizzying) and the 4 different fronts and finishes can create a challenge if you don't read the sign correctly.

I would just say make sure you are very familiar with each of the exercises (as you have already stated that you are) and to the walk through with the map as many times as you can in the time allotted.

Mostly, have fun! I know I do.

Re: Rally

I would echo Cindy's comments about the finishes- very easy to do the wrong one. Also the sit and down vs. moving down. Finally, the direction on the spirals- be sure you know whether the dog should be on the inside or outside and how to do it. I usually come out of a spiral almost unable to walk a straight line!

Re: Rally

All very good advice from the previous posters. Please remember that "teamwork" is scored. I judged at a Rally fun match and one of the exhibitors held her hands in front of her as if directing her dog with a treat. She did this for the call fronts and finishes. After her run, I took her aside and suggested that she work on having her dog do as commanded, not work for treats. You know treats in the ring are a no-no. Lots of praise, encouragement, happy talk, and focused attention are key to rally.

Before your class begins and you have time to walk the course, ask questions of the JUDGE. I've been given incorrect information by an exhibitor (not on purpose) and blew an exercise. Yikes!

Make it fun for you and your dog, BREATHE, and have a loose lead and you'll be fabulous.

Re: Rally

Over the years of showing rally, we've seen every sign used - no typicals in our experiences.

My first time in the ring I performed everything perfectly but missed a sign So watch numbers! I (we, my children show also) tend to count wrong with the front/step back signs so we really practice those.

The other really silly thing I did the first time was start before the judge said to begin, I was so nervous She kindly let me start over.

So relax, watch sign numbers, count steps accurately and you'll do fine! My children have beat our obedience/rally instructor in the ring which was a hoot! Enjoy!