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OFA-scores suprise or

Does anyone have news as to how OFA is grading x-rays this season?

Are the scores a suprise or what is expected by your vet?

Re: OFA-scores suprise or

Are there new vets reading at OFA? Is that the reason for the question? My vet had the same reading as OFA a few weeks ago if that helps.

Re: OFA-scores suprise or

Mine didn't. A VERY experienced vet did the x-rays and he's usually right on.Used to be a "reader" for OFA so takes pride in being right on. Wasn't this time. Must be a tough board.

Re: OFA-scores suprise or

Just had a set come back just as we expected - good hips, normal elbows.

Re: OFA-scores suprise or

We just had some come back as well. The films looked Excellent but expected Goods...just because that is how it seems to go. Very pleased when we got the results back with both being Excellents.