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Urine Smell

What are people's suggestions for the strong urine smell outside in my yard. I have about a half acre fenced yard with only two stud dogs who run freely. Another younger male will soon be coming. It is all grass and I can not narrow the smell down to one area. When I walk out my back door I smell it, as well, I can smell it from my driveway which is on the other end of the yard. With spring quickly approaching the last thing I want is to BBQ or sit on my back porch smelling urine!

Re: Urine Smell

Sprinkle some PDZ in the area and it will take care of the smell.

Re: Urine Smell

Sweet PDZ helps, but doesn't get rid of the odor. You can also use KOE (natural product) as a yard spray. It too helps, but there is no single item that will rid you of the urine smell.

I manage the stench as best as possible by combining KOE, PDZ and Stall dry.

Re: Urine Smell

I use bleach, just turn on the nozzle and pour the bleach onto the waterstream. It won't kill the grass. If you can't wash anything down in colder weather I use scented carpet powder or baking soda with some lavendar oil mixed in, it does neutralize the odor when I can't spray the bleach.

You can spray a fairly large area , but I just try to hit the main areas closer to the house, the rest of the property is too far away to do the woods, etc.

Re: Urine Smell

I'm a big fan of Sweet PDZ!

Re: Urine Smell

For those of you that use Sweet PDZ, where do you buy it? Who have you found that has the best price?
Thanks so much.

Re: Urine Smell

Grain mill or possibly TSC (Stall dry is almost the same). Under $10 per 40# bag.

Re: Urine Smell

What kind of shrubs to you have?? You may laugh but my mother has boxwoods all around the front of her house. I said to her one day it smells like PEE. She said it is the boxwood, and that only certain people can smell it. Now I don't know if I believe that , but it definately was the box wood and it definately smellled like pee

Re: Urine Smell

Special People
What kind of shrubs to you have?? You may laugh but my mother has boxwoods all around the front of her house. I said to her one day it smells like PEE. She said it is the boxwood, and that only certain people can smell it. Now I don't know if I believe that , but it definately was the box wood and it definately smellled like pee

This is 100% correct. Actually, it smells like cat pee, which is even worse than dog pee. I smell them every time I go into our local grocery store. Just hate it.

Re: Urine Smell

Yes! It did smell like cat pee, and I hate it also , would NEVER plant boxwoods.
Thanks for backing me up

Re: Urine Smell

I use vinegar. You can put it in a garden sprayer, attach a hose, set the ration of water:vinegar you want and spray away! You can also put it in a watering can and "water" the area.

Costco is a good placed to buy vinegar in bulk.

I haven't heard of the Sweet PDZ, will have to check that out.

Re: Urine Smell

Yep, I have used gallons of vinegar directly on the soil. The yard smells like a jar of pickles afterwards. Not sure what is worse.

Re: Urine Smell

For those of you that use Sweet PDZ, where do you buy it? Who have you found that has the best price?
Thanks so much.
They've recently begun carrying it at Tractor Supply. I don't know the price, since I haven't had to buy any for a while (40 pounds lasts a long time - for me, at least, because my guys tend to pee in predictable spots) but it's quite cheap. I prefer the granules. On a hot day the "baked urine" smell goes away instantly.

By the way, this is something I first heard about here on this forum.

Re: Urine Smell

killing the grass? I know you can use vinegar to spray on weeds in between concrete cracks in walkways to kill them, but I also thought it will take out any plant life. If that's not an issue, than it doesn't matter. But if you have grass in the area, won't the vinegar "brown it out"?

Re: Urine Smell

I use the Sweet PDZ in the horse stalls. I get it at our local Agway store.

Re: Urine Smell

The absolute thing that I have found is Consume by Spartan Chemical. It cohtains micro-organisms and is absolutely safe around pets and plants. I buy a gallon for around $15.00 and dilute it 50:50 and put it in a yard sprayer. I have dogs that all pee in the same place in dirt that is not watered and trust me this stuff takes care of the oder like you would not believe!!! Everyone that uses it is a believer!
