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who picks up the judge?

What is the custom when a judge flies in from out of town?

Is there a rule about who should drive a judge from the airport to the show?

Can an owner of a dog being shown pick up the judge before the show?

Re: who picks up the judge?

it is usually best that any club member who will having a continuing contact with the judge (be their driver to and from the airport, a club member's whose house they may be staying in while judging, the club member who will be entertaining them during the judge's stay - taking them out to eat or on a tour of the area) should avoid showing to that judge. Usually there are enough club members, so that there are some club members who can fulfill these duties, so that the issue of showing to a judge, with whom you are having an "out of ring" relationship, does not have to arise.

I imagine there are times when this cannot be avoided, but if you want to forstall any wagging tongues (humans' not dogs'), its best to stick to the above guidelines.

Re: who picks up the judge?

To Avoid Any Appearance of Impropriety
it is usually best that any club member who will having a continuing contact with the judge (be their driver to and from the airport, a club member's whose house they may be staying in while judging, the club member who will be entertaining them during the judge's stay - taking them out to eat or on a tour of the area) should avoid showing to that judge. Usually there are enough club members, so that there are some club members who can fulfill these duties, so that the issue of showing to a judge, with whom you are having an "out of ring" relationship, does not have to arise.

I imagine there are times when this cannot be avoided, but if you want to forstall any wagging tongues (humans' not dogs'), its best to stick to the above guidelines.

Kudos! As you are very much on top of the proper etiquette may I ask your opinion on another subject?

Is it appropriate for the the Show and Assistant Show Chairmen to have dogs they own shown to the judges of that particular show?

Opinion appreciated, flames are not. TIA.

Re: who picks up the judge?

We go through these topics every year for our shows. Ideally, you would like the chair/asst.chair not to show. The problem is finding people to take those jobs who are willing to do that. The AKC rule prohibits the show secretary from showing; no mention is made of the chairs. Some clubs allow them to show;others do not.
As for transporting out-of-town judges, we've decided to pick up the tab for rental cars/shuttle services instead of asking club members to do the driving.

Re: who picks up the judge?

Most of our specialty clubs are very small. The number of people who will work to put on a show usually ends up to be very few.If the workers cant show ,there will be no one to run things and there wont be a specialty at all.

Judges are there to evaluate dogs.They are invited for there knowledge of dogs and ther integrity.I really doubt they know who the show commitee is and highly doubt it has anything to do with there decisions.

Re: who picks up the judge?

The same few people in any club do all the work. You can not expect that year after year those same people will not show their dogs. If even 1/2 of the club would get off their duffs and help their club, shows would go more smoothly, and there would be less opportunity for Judge/exhibitor contact.

To the people who complain about show chairs showing, how about you volunteer to be the show chair and urge your club not to allow the chair to show? Oh, I know, because you have a dog you want to show, don't you?

Share the wealth, people. Volunteer for your club!

Re: who picks up the judge?

Done that and more for many years. I still say show chair should concentrate on the event going smoothly and not be worried about getting their dogs to the ring. I've done it and more for alot of years. I find it hard to believe that any breeder can't miss one show when there is a plethara of shows to attend each year.

It's like running for office and being the ballot counter person. TACKEY!!!

I am old and old school and traditional things are still the safest route. Guess what happens when the Show Chair goest WD?? Entries plummet from then on.
I've seen it more than once, not to mention rumor mongers are in full force and the phone lines in a slow burn.

Re: who picks up the judge?

As someone that usually is working at our Specialty, I don't want to have to not show. Our area only has 2 specialties a year and they are several hr drives apart. Our club does allow chairs to show but I think the way we handle it is a good compromise. First a committee chooses the judges, our club secretary extends the invitation to judge and we appoint a judge's liason that is the point of contact prior to the show. The judge's liason picks up the judges and takes them to all their meals. The chair is involved with the running of the actual show but not involved directly with the judges until after judging is completed.