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No I am not kidding, I am actally asking if you keep track of how many times a day your dogs poop. At my house, dogs are not kept in kennels. They all have run of a very large yard and the house, so keeping track of number of poops per dog is not so easy. I noticed very recently that I was picking up LOTS of piles and started thinking maybe I wasn't getting the best results from my current food, which I have been feeding for approx. a year. My dogs aren't looking bad, but I have increased the amount of food they get. How many poops a day do you consider normal. I am very aware from many previous posts here that different dogs do well on different foods so that is not my question. If you find the question silly or offensive, just ignore it. If you have the time and the inclination to share your "poop-o-meter" rating, I would appreciate it. TIA

Re: Poop-o-meter

Dogs are different just like people are different. I have one that "goes" twice, maybe three times a day. The other "goes" at least three times, sometimes four.
Not offended at all. I have brothers. hehe

Re: Poop-o-meter

Most of my dogs go two to three times a day. All on Canidae. It depends on how many cookies,treats while training if they go three. I have a friend that has three labs and she feeds nature's recipe and they go at least 4 times a day sometimes more. All mine are indoor dogs so I know exactly how many times they go as I am the one letting them out.

Re: Poop-o-meter

Some go twice, more the older ones, and some three times. Mine are indoors/outdoors. We pick up the yard three times a day.

Re: Poop-o-meter

Mine are fed twice per day and poop twice per day.

Re: Poop-o-meter

Of my 2 adult dogs - one goes once a day, the other goes 2-3 times a day. My puppies - one goes 3 times a day, the other 3-4. I feed Pro Plan, but it really wasn't any different (for the adults) when I fed Innova or Blue Buffalo.

Re: Poop-o-meter

It depends on if you have a sneaky dog who eats other's poop. For awhile I'd go out and clean up poop in the yard and it never quite added up when I did the math. hahahaha Then one day I caught our adolescent girl out there eating one of the other dog's piles.

That morning we solved 2 mysteries. We now knew why the numbers didn't add up and why the poop eating girl herself had very mushy stools for months. I would to if I dined on all those appetitzers.

Re: Poop-o-meter

# of dog poops should = the # of meals per day + or - 1

Re: Poop-o-meter

If your dog is eliminating an unusual number of times a day, consider worming them as well as looking at the food they are eating.