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Ch. Veyatie Barra

Scotty is still alive and kicking. I do not know if any of you have seen his videos on youtube but Ch. Veyatie Barra had to have one eye removed because of glaucoma and then he herniated several spinal discs and was paralyzed and had to have surgery. Afterwards he had needed rehab and has been taken twice a week to a canine rehab facility. His wonderful owners the Bowens have kept me updated throughout. These are the just the greatest people. So I am first posting the website of the canine rehab center and a page they did on the rehab with Scotty. Then I am going to do another post with the video they took of Scotty yesterday. Scotty is 14 yrs old and is a very active senior, receiving his Rally Novice title at age 11 and has a full time job of letting children at the Library read to him.
Judy H.

Re: More Ch. Veyatie Barra

This is the video sent to me that was taken just yesterday.
The other dog in the video is his son Ben.

Re: More Ch. Veyatie Barra

Judy, thanks for sending this out - what a guy!!!

Re: More Ch. Veyatie Barra

Wow - what a dog & he's sure got fantastic people around him too!

Re: More Ch. Veyatie Barra

TREMENDOUS videos. Shari and I watched them and simply applaud the courage of these people and Scotty exhibit. It is beyond heart-warming.

How impressive and encouraging. Go Scotty - keep improving.

Re: More Ch. Veyatie Barra

Wonderful , thank you for sharing.

Re: More Ch. Veyatie Barra

Judy; That is so great to hear. You should let Jim and Elise Nolan know, if you haven't already. I am sure they would love to hear how great he is doing, since sadly they quit breeding after the litter that I got my girl from back in 2006.

All the best :)

Re: More Ch. Veyatie Barra

I just watched Scotty's Rehab videos #1 thru #5.
They are wonderful.
Sure I teared up but to see the spirit of Scotty and devotion of the humans around him is just fantastic.
Thanks for sharing!

Re: More Ch. Veyatie Barra

I justed watched all 5 also. He has come along way in such a short period of time. Great to see!