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Name help?

I've got a black male coming my way, and am looking to call him Coupe, or Cooper, can anyone think of any clever names to register him as? I'm quite uncreative, myself!

If anyone has a better call name, just something fun to go with a fun registered name, I'm open to that as well!

Thanks so much.

Re: Name help?

Little Deuce Coupe

Re: Name help?

Coupe De Ville

Re: Name help?

James Fenimore Cooper wrote the Leatherstocking Tales, and one of his characters is called the Long Rifle, if that's any help.

Also Cooperstown, Cooper's home town, is the site of the Baseball Hall of Fame so maybe you could tie the name Cooper to baseball. Heavy Hitter? Bases Loaded?Home Run?

Re: Name help?

Little Deuce Coupe

OK, so now I will be singing Beach Boys for the rest of the day! Thanks a lot!

Re: Name help?

There are already several nice boys name Cooper out there, in case it matters. I get so confused sometimes. Like there were several Brodie, Brody and more Brodys. But all nice ones.

Re: Name help?

Coope is one of the docs on the TV show Private Practice - if you are a follower of the show. Charlotte, his GF calls him Coope....

Re: Name help?

What about "No More Mr. Nice Guy" a song by Alice Cooper.... and yes, we do go for obscure/abstract names!!

Re: Name help?

"No More Mr. Nice Guy" a song by Alice Cooper

Good one!! ;>))

Re: Name help?

Two thumbs up for "No More Mr. Nice Guy"